Chapter 12: Forever Is a Long Time

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Serina stares at the boy in bewilderment. His claim utterly shocks her. "What?" she asks.

Druig keeps his head down, afraid to meet her eyes. "My friend got super drunk and was throwing up in the bathroom so I went to check on him. When I got out, you were gone. I figured you were probably still in the bathroom so I waited... but you never came out so that's when I knew you left," he explains. The memory saddens him... It has weighed heavy on his heart for decades. He finally lifts his head to gaze at the girl, whose facial expression makes it clear that she's having an epiphany.

"When I got out of the bathroom, I looked for you and couldn't find you. I even asked the bartender and he said he never saw you. I waited for a few minutes before leaving. I even looked outside the club," Serina tells her side of the story. She looks down in embarrassment and quietly utters, "I thought you got bored of me and left."

The boy perks up at this. "What? No. In all the centuries we've known each other, have I ever gotten bored of you?" he asks in a matter-of-fact tone.

Serina glances up at him, a tiny bashful grin forming on her lips. She shakes her head. "No... unless you were faking," she playfully replies, narrowing her eyes.

Druig chuckles at this. "Well, that'd be quite the twist, wouldn't it?" he jokes, causing them both to laugh. Their laughter subsides, silence taking over for a short moment as the boy gazes at the girl with a soft smile. "But in all seriousness... You know I've always been your number one fan... way before the whole world knew your name."

Serina's heart rate accelerates as she feels herself melt at his words. "Well, in that case, would you like an autograph?" she jokes. Druig scoffs, playfully rolling his eyes.

"I see you let the fame go to your head," he voices, making the girl giggle.

"Eh, maybe just a little," she claims, smiling. The smile gradually fades as she remembers a certain question she's had for a long time. Now that she knows that Druig has kept up with her, she's even more curious. "How come you never reached out?"

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