Chapter 9: This Isn't a Better World

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A QUICK NOTE: So an important characteristic of Serina is her love for Latin America and her connection with the culture. Therefore, I want to stress how important the fall of the Aztec Empire is to her. I know this scene in the movie hit a lot of Latines hard (including me) and I've noticed that some Druig fanfic authors brushed over this part or didn't include it at all. I actually appreciated that Marvel included this snippet of our history in a movie. 

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this! <3




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Suddenly, the doors of the building behind the man open. The others walk closer, Serina hesitates but follows after them as Druig steps outside. The girl's heart is about to jump out of her chest as she watches him walk forward with a simper on his face. And there he is, she thinks. He looks the same for obvious reasons but he's still somehow more handsome than she remembers.

"I missed all of you," the boy claims in a somewhat sardonic tone. He glances at everyone with a snarky smirk before his gaze falls upon Serina. His smirk slightly falters as his eyes linger on her for a little too long. Serina feels herself melt under his stare. He rips his eyes away from her and scans everyone else. "Please, make yourselves at home," he states before redirecting his focus to the girl.

"Especially you, pretty lady," he says, winking before turning and walking inside. The air is sucked out of Serina's lungs. She doesn't know what she expected his reaction to seeing her again after decades would be but she didn't expect this... she's not complaining though. Now that they're in one another's presence again, however, they can't help but recall the first time they went separate ways.


1521 AD - Tenochtitlán

Serina and Thena walk up to Ajak and the other thinkers in the woods. Makkari whooshes up and starts walking beside Serina. "Where are the others?" Ajak asks.

"We had to split up," Makkari informs her.

"There were more Deviants than you said," Thena states.

"Yeah," Serina scoffs. "Like way more."

"Well, I'm sure that was a lot of fun for you," Phastos addresses Thena.

She grins in satisfaction and responds, "it was."

An image of the Earth projects from the golden device in Phastos's hand. "Once the others kill these last Deviants, we will have eliminated them all from the planet," he declares.

Gunshots and agonizing screams ring in the distance, making them all glance in the direction the noise is coming from. Through the trees, they can see numerous men murdering people with their guns. The sight fills Serina with rage and despair. They arrived here a few years before the Spaniards did and it was beautiful. The city was thriving. Serina fell in love with the Mexica people. Out of all the places they've been to so far, Tenochtitlán, Tikal, and Cusco have been her favorites. Something about South and Mesoamerica and its people draw her in like a magnet. It hurts her to see what these cruel savages are doing to the people of this land.

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