Chapter 11: Why Did You Disappear?

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The two begin strolling through the campsite and Serina observes the uniformed people at work

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The two begin strolling through the campsite and Serina observes the uniformed people at work. This is an interesting place to settle, she thinks. "It's quiet out here," she comments.

"That it is, my lovely Serina," Druig replies. The girl's breath catches in her throat when she hears this. There he goes again with that phrase... he's trying to kill me, she thinks. They soon reach a cabin and climb up the steps onto the porch. Druig clasps the doorknob and twists it, pushing the door open. "Ladies first," he declares, stepping aside to invite the girl in. She grins at him and walks inside, looking around. It's neat and certainly charming.

"So this is where you live?" she speaks up as she scans the room.

"Yeah," Druig answers. "It's not luxurious like what you're used to now," he adds.

"No, it's fine. I like it, it's cute," Serina assures him, turning around to gaze at him. Druig watches her as her eyes travel everywhere. They land on a shelf, stacked with books and CDs. This piques her interest so she wanders over to it and studies the neatly stacked CDs on the top row. "Woah, cool," she utters as she examines them and runs her fingers along the spines of the CD cases. A certain one catches her eye, specifically the title: La Buena Vida. She pulls the case out and looks at the front cover, discovering that it's her album. He heard it, she thinks.

She scans the shelf again, trying to see if there's anything else of hers here. She finds her other three albums in the spot where she found the first one. Her heart hammers in her chest, realizing that he keeps up with her music. She spins around to face Druig, who's standing there with his hands behind his back as he observes her. "You only know one song, huh?" she teases, holding up the CDs.

"Oh, those? I just thought they looked cool on my shelf, I never actually listened to them," the boy jokes, shrugging.

"Ah, okay," Serina plays along, craning her neck. "Gotcha."

They both nod at each other with straight faces until a playful smile forms on Druig's face, causing Serina's face to mimic his. "But seriously though..." the boy starts as he walks closer to her. "I'm glad you decided to share your talent with the world in this way. It deserves to be celebrated," he claims as he stands right in front of her. If either of them were to take the tiniest step forward, their bodies would be pressed together... and they're both tempted to make that happen.

Druig has kept up with Serina's career ever since he heard her first single back in 2016. He's gone into the city from time to time so he could use the internet and buy magazines to follow up on news about Serina. He loved knowing that her life was going amazingly, but the downside of keeping up with her was learning about every celebrity boyfriend she's had. That's a big reason he didn't reach out to her, she seemed to be perfectly happy without him.

"Thank you," Serina replies as she takes advantage of the fact that he's so close to admire his facial features. A light is switched on in her brain when she suddenly remembers something. "Oh, I forgot!" she chirps, sticking her hand in her jacket pocket and pulling out a Pelon candy. She reaches down and grabs Druig's hand, placing the candy in his palm. "Here."

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