all holidays come to an end

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Published date: 31 January 2021
Word count: 1002
Warnings: N/A
Song: 情人 (KUN)
A/n- hey I'm back! I'm sorry for not updating for a week, I had a bunch of work to do this whole week and now is Chinese New Year Eve so I did not have a lot of time. Anyways thank you guys for supporting this story and voting it really keeps me motivated and continue writing. Also no matter how long I take to update this story just know I would finish it. I can never do something half way and not continue. Anyways if anyone here celebrates Chinese new year too. 新年快乐,萬事如意,心想事成,步步高升 。 Remember to get lots of 紅包:)

Adeena's pov

Today is the day we leave Monaco Monaco back to school.

We all planned an early lunch today with Oscar and his friends.

We found this beach side restaurant near by, so we were going to go there and after we would go straight to the airport from the restaurant.

Hannah was staying at Jüri's room, so I was in my room alone getting ready. I would need to wear something somewhat comfy

 I would need to wear something somewhat comfy

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Knock knock

"Hi? Oh Oscar, what brings you here? "

"The rest are downstairs waiting. They asked me to come up and help you."

"Oh okay... er come in." I walked into the room with him following behind me. "Er you could help me fold some clothes."

"Yea sure."

We packed for the next 15 minutes till we were done.

"Come on, let's go." Oscar dragged my lugagge in one hand and grabbed my hand with his free hand.

I was basically running to keep up with him. He had long legs I was at least a head shorter than him. Got my height from my mom, well at least I'm 165 cm, she's 162.

"Hey guys." I said out of breath.

"Hey, why do you look like you ran a marathon?" Fleur fixed my hair.

"This 1.8 meter giant with long legs was speed walking all the way here while dragging me along, I had to run to keep up with him."

"1.78 meter giant." Oscar corrected. I glared at him and he gave me an innocent smile. My eyes travelled down to our hands ,and I guess Oscar's eyes as well, we both quickly pulled our hands away from each other and giggles were heard.

"Shut up." I mumbled, blushing.

"Come on let's go. The rest are in the car."Fleur and Hannah dragged me toward the car while Oscar and Jüri were walking behind.

Oscar's Pov

"You like her... don't you? " Jüri smirked.

"Maybe..." Yes, maybe no?

"You do. You look at her as if she's your f1 contract."

"What?" We both started laughing. "What a weird comparison. Yeah maybe I like her, but she's leaving today and she's still in University while I'm travelling all over the place."

"Hey, just give her your number and see how it goes from there." I nodded.

"Anyways how are you and hannah?" I smirked at him.

"We like each other, kissed each other once, we agree be on the talking stage for now, at least till we have abit less of a load on our shoulders." I nodded slowly.

"Well I wish the both of you the best of luck." I gave him a tumbs up and got into the car.


We got out of the car and walked toward the restaurant, not before kick sand at each other.

"Hi, reservation for Piastri." The waiter nodded and led us to a table on the 2nd story.

"Here's the menu. When you want to order just call one of our staff." The waiter bowed and walked away.

We ordered our food and suddenly got into a conversation about studies.

"So Adeena what do you want to do after you finish university." Justine asked.

"Well I'm taking a chemistry course in university now. Next year would be my last year in University according to my professor. My professor actually told me to look for a part time job as a chemistry teacher at this school her friend is working at. I'll be starting the day after we get back to Italy since one of the chemistry teacher is going to be overseas for a few weeks. And I hope after that I get my degree then I'll do my master degree in chemistry and become either a research chemist or anything like that."

"Oh so your smart smart."

"Of course." I said dramatically and the rest laughed.

We continued talking for awhile longer till we had to leave for the airport.

We were putting our things into the car now and all said bye to each other.

Suddenly Oscar came and tapped on my shoulder.


"Erm... could I have your number? So you could give me that... erm cookie recipe you were talking about." He handed me his phone which I took and put on my phone number.

"I thought you said you sucked at baking?"

"Well I could always try." He smirked.

"Well you could always call me if something goes wrong. When are you going to be back in Italy again?"

"5 days after you."

"Ah... okay. Well I hope I'll see you soon." I put my arm out to embrace him which he accepted.

He then kissed my forehead before letting go and I could here Fleur saying "Ah my kids." While the rest of my friends watched what happened.

"Ha! Who's the one getting flustered now." I hit the back of his head and walked away.

"Hey! That hurt." I just put my tumbs in the air and got into the car with the rest of my friends.


We were now on the plane about to take off. I got comfy in my seat and put my head phones in as I stared out the window as we took off.

And just like that the story of Monaco would soon be a memory...

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