𖥻 ࣪ 4ᵎᵎ : first and last dance

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"Camilo! Mijo there you are! Where have you been?" A ginger haired lady said walking up to Camilo who just walked in a few seconds after you did

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"Camilo! Mijo there you are! Where have you been?" A ginger haired lady said walking up to Camilo who just walked in a few seconds after you did. "Ay mi amor, the cloud! You're getting him all wet." Said a man trying to console the woman.

"Come on Camilo, we've been waiting for you so we can take our group picture!" the woman grabbed a hold of his arm, ushering him to the group of Madrigals. But one of them wasn't there.

"La familia Madrigal!" The family triumphantly joyed out.


Mirabel let out a long heavy sigh, as she watched her family take the picture...without her.

You couldn't help but feel your blood boil. They spent all that time searching for that unbearable shapeshifter but not even realize that Mirabel wasn't in the picture? Some family.

"Hey Mirabel!" you lightly jostled her with your elbow. "It's getting a bit crowded don't you think? Let's go there." You pointed at a large tree that was far away from the party. She looked up at you with a half smile.

"I tried my best to not get upset or mad at all but... I just don't understand why..why wasn't I able to get a gift?" You both sat under the tree.

"It's just hard you know...everyday I seem to be..waiting on a miracle.. and it never happens." She stuck her hand out, as if grasping on the miracle before she put her arm down and pulled her bent knees closer to her chest.

You put your hand on her shoulder trying to
comfort her. "Look Mirabel... there's more to you than some gift, you're just as special as the rest of your family."

"Well not really," Mirabel tilted her head. "Just this morning while we were preparing for this ceremony, this guy handed me a basket and called it the "Not so Special, Special.""

A frown reappeared on your face. It's over for him once you see him in the streets...

"And my Abuela? Gosh.. if only you saw how differently she treated me after I received no gift. She'll never admit it but.. I can see the disappointment in her eyes whenever she looks at me. It's as if I'm nothing to her." She trailed off, her eyes threatening to let tears fall.

A speechless expression was all you could give. How dare these people make her feel this way. "Mirabel, you shouldn't reduce yourself to what anyone thinks of you, they don't define your worth. If people can't see how special you are, even without a gift then they're missing out" I put my arm around her.

"Plus you'll always have the love of your family, screw Abuela and that insufferable cousin of yours." Mirabel let out a little giggle.

"Ouch y/n." There was Camilo leaning by the trunk of the tree, holding a hand to his chest, acting out a wounded expression.

Both you and Mirabel turned your heads now facing him. "That's definitely not what you said back in the bakery."  A cunning grin reappeared on his face.

CRUEL SUMMER  𓍯 ꙳໋͙  (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now