𖥻 ࣪14ᵎᵎ : facing the aftermath

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Was this it for me?

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Was this it for me?

Was this supposed be afterlife? Are you already dead?  That couldn't be. You could still feel the extreme fatigue from exhausting all the power you had left to save Mirabel and that damn candle.

You sat down and stared at the destruction you can see in eyeshot. The amount of dust fogging up your nostrils gave you an insufferable headache. All your muscles felt weak, you felt like throwing up.Was anyone going to find you in here?

"Y/n, y/n!" A male voice called out. Again, you tried to wave your hand in the little opening, back and forth you moved your arm. You tried to speak back but nothing came out.

"Oh my god, y/n!" Footsteps neared towards you. Blocking the sun from that little opening, the silhouette dug through all the destruction surrounding you, dismantling the tent the casita made for you.

"Y/n, you're alive!" The male's voice cracked. Before you could respond, you felt hands on your cheeks, shoulders, arms. You finally opened your eyes to see Camilo, who was examining you. "Okay, you don't seem seriously injured, are you alright?"

Your eyes met Camilo's who was eyeing you with plenty worry.  You once again attempted to say something but couldn't. As if a wicked sea witch stole your voice. Instead you replied with a weak nod.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Camilo said, you didn't have much time to complain, he placed his hands on your back and lifting you up, You proceed to wrap your arms around his neck.

He carried you bridal style, marching and kicking through the debris and marching through mini flood. You must've weighed like a feather to him with how he picked you up with ease. You rested your eyes for a while as it got harder and harder to keep them open.

He brought you to where the rest of the Madrigals were huddled together. He then settled you down on one of the broken scraps of the house that you could sit on. "Wait here okay? I'm gonna get you something." You gave him an almost indistinguishable nod, while he ran off, it's not like you could go anywhere, you can barely feel nor move your legs.

You look around to see a distressed Pepa, with no thundering cloud above her head, trying to comfort her crying Antonio, the boy was trying to communicate to the rats around him, but they could no longer understand a word he said.

Abuela was staring far out at the broken casita, clouded with her own thoughts. Felix and Dolores were strolling around the debris, and Julieta was consoling a sad Mirabel, an unlit stump of a candle in her hands.

Camilo came back shortly after you were able to see that at least everybody got out unharmed. Saddled in his hands was a plate of arepas. You were too weak to feed yourself so Camilo ripped some pieces and fed them to you. "These were the last of the arepas Tía Julieta was able to make.. you know.. before the house broke down."

With each nibble, you felt yourself getting stronger. Camilo was now sitting beside you, watching you gaining more energy as the magic flowed hrough your veins.  "Just eat princesa, take your time." He whispered in your ear.

You looked in front of you to see the demolished home. The sharp smells of wood and concrete dust were still as strong as ever. You let out a cough which alarmed Camilo, suddenly your face was caught in between his hands, as he used his thumb to wipe off the ash that laid on top of your nose.

The food you were eating was definitely boosting up your mood and energy, but you were almost completely sure that what really made you feel better, despite the dull and gloomy atmosphere, was Camilo's comforting company.

Your eyes felt droopy and you rested your head on his shoulders. "Wow y/n, you can't stand being away from me huh?" The boy snickered trying to keep the somber air light.

With the energy you gained, you gave him a light slap on his chest.

"Ay idiota, I just need to rest my eyes." You chuckled.

"Whatever you say." He brushed your toppling hair away from your face, and planted a small kiss on your forehead, before resting his head on top of yours.

He kissed me. It was on my forehead, but still.

"Thank you for doing what you did back there, even though I was practically begging you not to go back inside." He sneered. "You know, every time I told you not to run, you never listened to me once." A grin crept up his face.

"Yeah, I know." You lightly nudged him. You both laughed while he placed wrapped his hand on your shoulder, stroking your arm.

Your heart started beating quick again, as heat rushed to your cheeks.

Your little happy bubble popped when you heard the shrieks of panic of Julieta "Mirabel? Where's Mirabel-? Where did she go? Where is she?!" You widened your eyes and both you and Camilo suddenly shot your heads up. You looked over to where you last saw Mirabel, she wasn't there anymore.

CRUEL SUMMER  𓍯 ꙳໋͙  (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now