Hi Im Turqouise Chp.5

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Turqouise's Pov

Steven:I have so many questions! Peridot I didn't know you could fuse! What's your fusion name ! Are you in love ? Are you gonna be fused forever Like garnet! oOOoH what's your powers! TELL ME TELL ME!
We infused quickly in nervousness
Lapis:Steven how long were you there!
Steven:since the you two sat down I was gonna say something but then you FUSED!
Peridot: Please don't tell anyone I want to keep it between Us .
Steven: BUT-
Lapis: Steven !
Steven : Fine but answer my questions!
Peridot : Well ok !I guess I can fuse
Lapis:what would an Lapis Lazuli and an Peridot make ?
Steven: I mean you were Turqouise
Peridot :ok then our fusion name is Turqouise.
Lapis: we aren't gonna be fused forever like garnet
Peridot:Our powers are probably the same since neither of us have a weapon (gems either have weapons or powers never both except for diamonds)
Steven:and what about my last question ?
Lapis:I don't know the answer to that

My cheeks are dark green as Lazuli  said that I realise something what if we are in L O V E a few hours later Steven takes his leave I really hope he doesn't tell anyone what happened !check he ruined my first time fusing soo  unfair! Garnet probably already knows ...future vision!I go outside and see an creature on an flower its black and red it has small wings So Pretty! I look at the flower it was on and get an AMAZING idea I start grabbing tons of flowers some are blue others are purple and pink and yellow and Turqouise I turn on a toob-toob video in how to make a flower crown and get weaving inside outside inside outside "OW" a thorn from a rose poked my index finger I sucked on it then continued on I finally finished and knotted in a dark blue flower in the top I embedded some jewels and it looked perfect! By the time I was done the sun was setting I did a soft yawn and Lazuli came up to the truck bed .
Peridot:Hey lazuli!
Lapis:hey peri!
Peridot : I made you something!
I crawled onto her  lap  to reach her head and put the flower crown on top
Lapis :thanks peri's
Peridot :your  welcome
I said with a yawn I fell asleep in her lap but not before watching the sunset with her

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