chp 6

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Peridots Pov

Its been 2 weeks since we first fused Steven hasn't told anyone and somehow garnet doesn't know Me and Laz- no ,Lapis have fused a lot more recently and have been becoming noticeably more comfortable in our friendship we just don't know how to tell the Crystal gems that we've Fused heck they don't even know I CAN fuse its all A little nerve racking but as long as I have lapis with me I think Ill be fine me and lapis are planning to watch the Camp pining hearts S10 Finale next week soon exited for that I got a new social media on my tablet Called Picstagram its a place where you can take pictures and share them with people and share videos and like pictures and videos and etc I scroll down my lag and see I got 20 likes on a picture of Me and Pumpkin I check the comments to see what people think

Comments :

Catmaster851:CUTE Pet
Sarah lingle :Is that a living pumpkin? Weird.
Kevin_the_King : YOU THICC

End of comments :

I smile because a random person in the internet agrees with me that pumpkin is cute !what does thicc mean?ill have to ask Steven sometime soon!I scroll down to another image this time its of me and Lazuli making Smores together it has 90 likes, Since Lazuli got me that cookbook I made an kitchen set so I could make things Im not good at most things but Im amazing at smores ,cookies and Anything That starts with Chocolate but Im never EVER making anything that involves Pumpkin Im Against eating Pumpkin Im a Nonpumpkatarian, I scroll to the comments


Ivory Whisper: That Looks so Yummy
Kevin_the_King : I need to Get me a piece Of you 😘
I'm-definetly-not-a-7-year-old:me like smore it Very much so yum

end of comments:
I cringed at that last comment what an idiot I don't see what they're getting so mad at theyre literally mad at me  and Lazuli for being ourselves like not be yourself like emotionally or how you act I mean like PHYSICALLY being ourselves  my gosh And what does that Kevin person mean by the want a piece of me ? Are huge gonna track me down and chip a piece of my Gem off ,EEEP!I closed the app and put down the tablet I walked outside and saw Lapis playing with pumpkin

Peridot : Hey Laz- Lapis?
Lapis : Yeah?
Peridot : I have a question .
Lapis : what is it ?
Peridot : so I was scrolling through Picstagram and I saw some comments by someone named Kevin underscore the underscore king one of them Said You thicc and the other said I need to get a piece of you what does that mean?
Lapis Pov
My cheeks turned dark blue as I heard what peridot asked !someone on the internet was calling peridot These names it make some so angry an do don't know why !how could they say something so vulgar about peridot I mean shes an Metaphorical Angel she wouldn't understand any of this and now I have to explain so how to explain this without making her ask follow up questions and it leading to an whole other conversation
Lapis:Soo.. The word "Thicc" means that you have lower part that is Big  And Some people find that attractive
Peridot : and what does the other thing mean ?
She titled her head when she finished her sentence I blush even more dangit she's so innocent and so cute!
Lapis:Well it means ..uhhh. That someone uhhh. FORGET IT !ASK GARNET OR PEARL
Peridot :Ok!
Peridots Pov

I walk to the crystal gems house still wondering what it means Lapis's Reaction was a bit strange but maybe she just didnt Know either or didn't know how to tell !I make it to the gems house and knock on the door
Steven:Hey peridot came for an visit?
Peridot : oh no ,I came to ask garnet or pearl a question that Lazuli didn't know how too answer ,But Im sure that a visit can be arranged!
Steven :Garnet is on a solo mission but pearl is her come in
I walked in the door and Steven shouted for pearl
Pearl: Yes Steven
Steven : peridot ask Lapis a question she couldn't answer so she came to ask you or garnet
Pearl : Well peridot you came to the right person what's the question ?
Peridot : Well I was scrolling through my Picstagram and somebody named Kevin the king Put replies that I don't know the meaning to .
Pearl :What did they say ?
I grabbed my tablet out if my hair ,I don't have pockets and i can fit it in my hair so Ive decided im keeping it in there when I wanna bring it somewhere my Velcro thing broke  I scroll down to the comments and show her her face turned light blue when I show her
Pearl : Uhh Steven go Outside for a second
Steven :ok !
Steven then walked outside and started calling for Lion

                                                           An very awkward conversation later

Peridot : ok
I think my whole vision of the world has just been broken that human stuff sounds like it would hurt I don't think Im ready to do that at least not now, I walk back to the barn and by the time I get there its about 4:00 I walk inside the big barn doors and into a corner I charge my tablet and I decided to get asleep early so i get inside an box that has with blankets in it thats near my tablet charging bay I take one of the blankets and I  wrap myself in it I slowly fall asleep I wake up at about 8:34 on the hammock next to lapis she must of brought me here when I was asleep my cheeks blush with an dark green and I fall back asleep curled up on her chest . under the warm fuzzy blanket

Word count  is 1022

Lapidot When waves hit the Shore ( made by Purple AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now