Chapter 2 |Cupid Fucked Up|

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River and I are quiet as we walk to Mrs

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River and I are quiet as we walk to Mrs. Cotherman's room. As she walks in front of me, I can't help but stare at her. She's wearing a black leotard with pink tights and a tiny tutu around her waist. She has her backpack hanging off one shoulder and her coat draped over her arm.

'𝐻𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝐼 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒?' I think to myself.

"Can you stop looking at me?" I hear her say from in front of me. My eyes widened looking up to see if she had seen me staring yet she was still looking at her phone. I walk a little faster to catch up to her."I wasn't staring at you" I argue.

"Sure," She says with a chuckle.

Her voice wasn't like the other girls I had talked to. Most of them try to make their voice high-pitched and annoying, however hers is different and captivating. It was deep but not too deep it also had this sort of comfort to it. It was the type of voice you would want to listen to every chance you get.

We continue to the classroom in silence. Once we walk past the library we see one of the librarians. Her name is Lee. I know this because whenever I decide to skip a class I hangout with her here.

She is in her sixties. Her hair is grey due to her age, she wears a long baby blue dress with white flats. Her husband had passed away a couple of years ago. How do I know this? Well, she might be annoyed with me half the time but she tells me things about her life whenever I ask questions.

"Mr. Hayes, what do you need now?" she says with a bothersome expression on her face.

Her gaze goes from me to River, her eyes widen before asking River the same question but with a stunned look on her face.

" Ms. Michelson? What are you doing here sweetheart?"

"Mrs. Cotherman had asked to see us." River says with a small smile forming on her lips as she speaks.

"Oh, well you two should be on your way." Mrs. Lee says walking past us. When we get to the short hallway that leads to Mrs. Cothermans room. River knocks on the door before opening it.

"Mrs. Cotherman?" River says quietly as she opens the door wider. Once Mrs. Cotherman looks up from her computer her eyes widen before talking.

"Oh my! I forgot I had asked for you two. Please come in and take a seat." she says in a hurried voice as she stands up walking to the door to greet us.

Mrs. Cotherman had brown skin, her hair curly. She had on a pencil skirt with a white blouse. For someone in her late forties, she looks way younger.

"Mrs. Cotherman you look beautiful as always!" I say to her before sitting in one of the two chairs in front of her desk.

"Oh Thank you, Mr. Hayes," She says smiling at me before walking to her desk. as she sits down to go through a pile of papers looking for a specific piece of paper. Once she finds what she was looking for she looks up at River and me.

"Okay so let's just jump right into this." She says before taking a deep breath in and then releasing it back out.

"So Noah you are failing two of your classes. Those classes happen to be English and Math. Those two are very important for you to pass and for you to keep your spot on the hockey team." She says with a serious tone.

"I'll try to get those grades up." I ask as my cheeks redden knowing that River had heard all of this.

"I had asked River to be here because she is one of the students in those classes with the highest grade and well I was going to ask her if she can tutor you" She says quickly. There is a moment of silence before River and I speak at the same time.

"WHAT?" We both say at the same time staring at her with our mouths gaped open and our eyes widened.

"I am not tutoring him!" River says as if Mrs. Cotherman had told her to give me a blowjob in front of the whole school.

"Yeah well, I don't want to be tutored by you!" I fire back at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She says taking all offense to what I said but before I can answer her Mrs. Cotherman speaks.

"Enough! Forget about the whole asking thing. River you are to tutor Noah and Noah you are to respect that or else you are kicked off the hockey team." She says sternly.

"What do I get out of this?" River asks.

"I can get Mrs. Stone to lend you the key for the ballet room on the weekends until he gets his grades up. Deal?"

River sighs and lowers in her seat before saying a small 'deal' to Mrs. Cotherman.

"Okay well since this is done you both are allowed to go now."

River and I don't wait another second before standing up and grabbing our things before walking out of the office.

River is the first one to speak when we make it into the main area of the school.

"Meet me at the front of the Girls Dorm building when your class Is over so we can make a schedule."

"Okay," I say before walking towards the right staircase.

"Okay," I say before walking towards the right staircase

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