Chapter 16 |Book Heavan|

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Noah puts down the money for the food into the sleeve where the bill is

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Noah puts down the money for the food into the sleeve where the bill is. He hands it to the waiter as we make our way to the door. He opens the door and lets me walk out first before walking out himself.

It's later in the night. Noah keeps me closer to him as we walk to his car. He opens the door for me before walking to his side. I expect him to take me back to my dorm but instead, he drives the other way.

"Where are we going?" I ask him confused about why we are going the other direction away from the dorms.

"I want to take you somewhere special," He tells me as his thumb caresses the skin on my hand. I nod before resting my head against the seat. I watch the road as we drive.

Noah had put on soft music, I hum the lyrics as I play with one of Noah's hands. When the car stopped I turned my head to see what was in front of us. A smile makes its way onto my lips.

He brought me to a bookstore.

"Wait, isn't it close?" I ask as I check my phone for the time. It read 10:36 p.m. It was closed by now.

"Come on," Noah says as he opens his door. He doesn't answer my question. I open my door and follow him to the front of the store.

"I refuse to break into this cute bookstore Noah!" I whisper shout to him as I cross my arms over my chest.

Noah laughs as he holds up a key. He puts the key into the lock and turns it. I soon hear a click and Noah opens the door and gestures for me to walk in.

When I step in I am met with so many books. Row after row of books. It was heaven. I turn to face Noah with a smile on my face but I still would like to know how he had the key to this place.

"It's my mothers," He tells me as he closes the door and locks it. He then walks behind the counter and hits a switch. The lights turn on and it's even more beautiful.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I tell him as I walk toward him and wrap my arms around his torso.

He hugs me back and leans down to leave a kiss on top of my head. "Would you like to see the romance section?" He asked me. His voice was almost in a whisper.

I nod and let him guide me to the books. I slide my fingers gently against the book's spines. When we reach the romance section, I see many books that I've been wanting to read for a long time.

Noah leans against one of the shelves as he watches and listens to me talk about books I've read or haven't read. The only people that listened to me when I talked about books were Rose, Nora, and sometimes Leo.

In past relationships when I would talk about books they either told me that they didn't care or they didn't listen. But here was Noah listening and even telling me about the books he read and hasn't read.

I watch Noah as he talks about one of his favorites, he looked a little shy while talking about them. I had a huge smile as he told me how he also really liked one of my favorites.

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