Chapter 20 |Birthday Boy|

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November 10th

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November 10th. The day that I was born. Aka my birthday. Today just so happens to be November 10th. I lay in my bed as sunlight shines through my window indicating morning.

I lay there in the silence of my room trying to soak up all the quietness I can get. It soon ends when I hear my door swing open and soon hear footsteps.

A chorus of voices can be heard as three people sing happy birthday to me. Roman jumps onto the bed as he pretends to play guitar with his hands. Greyson holds my brush in his hand using it as a microphone as he sings his heart out.

I sit up onto my forearms to see Leo just smiling at me as he sings the song calmly. Once they finish their horrible singing I decide to speak first as Greyson and Roman catch their breath.

"Please don't ever try to pursue a music career," I say, giving them a funny look. Roman looks at me like I just admitted to killing his whole family.

"When I become a famous singer I'm not going to buy you a house!" Greyson is truly offended by me. I chuckle before laying back down, I pull the covers over my head as Leo tells me that they will be downstairs making breakfast.

As I'm about to fall back to sleep, I hear my phone start to ring. I grabbed it to see who was calling me. It was mom. I immediately pick up the phone, sleep forgotten.

"Hey, mom," My voice came out croaky. No matter what time it was, I always made time for mom's calls. Whether it's late at night or early in the morning.

"Hi, birthday boy," My mom's sweet voice says. She sounded better today than she did yesterday.

"How have you been?" I ask her. I hear her sigh into the phone. She was diagnosed with cancer about two years ago. She has been doing treatments and they've been working.

"I'm fine, stop worrying about me. What is my birthday boy doing today?" Mom asks me.

"I think the guys will be throwing a party later. Also, I wanted to talk to you about someone," I say hesitantly.

"Who is the special girl?" Mom says I can hear her smile through the phone. I was nervous to talk about River with mom. I've never told her about any other girl or past girlfriends.

Here I am about to tell her about River. The girl who has been in my head the last almost two months. "Her name is River," I start. I hear a book close on the other side of the phone.

"Go on dear," Mom says encouraging me to keep going and I do. I take a deep breath before speaking again.

"She's beautiful, Mom. Like breathtakingly beautiful and I didn't even know that was even possible. She does ballet and when she dances it's like she is in a different world," I stop to catch my breath.

"She also loves to read. I also met her parents well not in person and it was by accident. She came to one of my games and wore my jersey and mom. Every time I kiss her I feel like I'm on a cloud." I say.

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