Chapter 3 |Wooing|

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It's 12:45 p

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It's 12:45 p.m. as I wait in front of the girls' dorm. I have been waiting for Noah for about 15 minutes already in the cold weather of October . I checked my watch for the third time in 5 minutes.

I contemplate going inside but I fight against it rubbing my hands up and down my coat sleeves as I wait there for another 10 minutes. As I finally decide that he isn't coming I turn to go inside before I can scan my student ID. I hear my name called.


I turn my head to find Noah rushing towards me his backpack hanging on one shoulder as he has two books in his arms. Before I can answer him he starts to speak.

"I know, I am very late. My class ended a few minutes early and I had gone to the library to get some books and I lost track of time." He says in a rush as he catches his breath.

I observe his face trying to figure out if I believe him. He had beautiful facial features. His jaw sharp, his nose almost perfectly straight, his lips full with a mole right above them, his eyes a beautiful hazel brown with a touch of green with them.

I realize I must have analyzed him too long because when I get out of my daze I see him scan my face. I clear my throat before talking. My voice comes out rough.

"It's fine just don't be late next time," I say before turning back around to the ID scanner.

I pull the door open walking in as Noah is right behind me. We stay quiet as we walk up the stairs to the third floor and as we make it to Nora, Rose, and I's room.

I'm the first to speak when we get inside.

"You can sit in the kitchen. I have to talk to my roommates." I say as I take off my shoes and coat and place them near the door. Noah did the same before walking to sit on one of the stools at the small island in the kitchen.

I walk to Nora's room first. I hear music coming from her bathroom as I walk to it. I find her braiding her hair.

"Hey Nor, Noah Hayes is here I have to tutor him. Just giving you a heads up." I say as I lean against the door frame of the bathroom.

"Noah fucking Hayes?" She says with wide eyes.

"Yup lucky me right?" I say as I stand up fully before walking out of her room and walking to Roses feeling Noah watching me closely.

"Have fun babes!" I hear Nora yell.

I knock on Rose's door before opening the door and walking it, closing the door behind me.

I found her painting her nails while listening to 'Starlight' by Taylor Swift. I smile as she sings along to the music.

"I met Bobby on the boardwalk, summer of '45. Picked me up late one night out the win-" she cuts off when she notices me.

"Just giving you a heads up Noah Hayes is in our dorm room right now because I have to tutor him," I say calmly knowing she might freak out.

"WHAT?" She says her eyes widening in alert.

𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 Where stories live. Discover now