Chapter 6 |Party|

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"Noah! Get your ass down here!" I hear Greyson yell from the other side of my bedroom door

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"Noah! Get your ass down here!" I hear Greyson yell from the other side of my bedroom door. Loud music blasts through the speakers as I grab a shirt out of my closet before walking to the door yanking it open.

On the other side stands Greyson with a red plastic cup in his hands while dressed in jeans with a grey sweatshirt. He stands there smirking at me as he takes a sip of his drink.

"I said I'll be down there in a second," I reminded him. He rolls his eyes before walking into my room. I sigh before shutting the door.

"The girls are here, they are getting a drink and talking with Leo. I thought that you may want to come down and see your future wife," he says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"River isn't my future wife Grey," I say as I go over to my bed grabbing my phone and my room key before heading back to the door. Greyson follows me as I do so.

"If she isn't then why are you in such a rush to get to her?" He questions chuckling before opening my door and walking out waiting for me to do so.

"She is my friend and only my friend. Plus I can't do that to Leo," I remind him. He shrugs his shoulders before leaving to go talk to a black-haired girl.

I spot River as soon as I walk into the kitchen. She wears a tight black dress that stops mid-thigh showing off her long legs. I let my eyes trail down her curves.

She must feel my gaze on her because she turns her head in my direction. Our eyes meet. I watch as she lets her eyes trail down me before meeting my eyes again.

I smirk as I see a blush form on her cheeks and she looks away back to Rose, one of her best friends. I watch as she laughs at something Nora, her other best friend says before departing from them to go to the dance floor.

I follow watching as she sways her hips to the music. 𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑢𝑙. I think to myself before making my way toward her. Her eyes open and meet mine, never wavering as I get closer to her.

When I finally make it to her I place my hand on the bottom of her back leaning my head down so my mouth is near her ear. "May I dance with you?" I whisper to her. I feel her shiver against me. I smile realizing the effect I have over her.

"You may" she whispers back to me as she starts to sway her hips against me. My hands go to her waist holding her against me swaying with her. My face near hers as I stare at her as she closes her eyes.

'Feel So Close' by Calvin Harris starts to play through the speakers. She smiles some before opening her eyes staring back at me.

That is when I realize how much I am truly mesmerized by her being.

She is the first to break eye contact as she does her eyes widen and whisper a low "Greyson" to me before moving out of my hold.

"Well don't stop dry humping on my watch," he says smiling that stupid smile. I groan before turning towards him glaring. He smiles even more at my glare.

"What do you need, Grey?" River asks, trying to change the subject of the conversation.

"We are going to play 'Truth or Dare' and Leo wanted to know if you two wanted to join" Greyson replies.

I turn my head towards River to see if she would like to. She nods a yes before turning back to Greyson who plays with one of her curls. I glare at him even more and he finally gets the hit and stops touching her.

"Sure," I say to him. He leads us towards my room. When we walk in I see Rose talking with Leo as Roman is making out with a girl on the couch. Ivy and Christian argue with each other as Lily and Nora sit off to the side having some sort of debate.

I sit in between Christian and Rose while River sits with Rose and Leo laughing about something. After some stupid dares and truths, the bottle lands on River.

"Truth or Dare Riv?" Ivy asks her. River thinks for a second before replying. "Dare," she says with a small smile.

"I dare you to kiss someone of your choice for 10 seconds," Ivy says as I narrow my eyes at her before returning my gaze to River.

Watching her stand up and look around before her eyes landed on me. She gives a glance to Rose before walking toward me and putting her legs on either side of mine on the couch before sitting on my lap.

My hands go to her waist almost immediately. My dick hardened in my pants under her. I know she can feel me against her but she acts like she doesn't. She leans in her lips an inch from mine. I am about to close the gap but she pulls away and turns toward Rose's direction and kisses her.

Greyson laughs then blows a whistle sound with his fingers as everyone else cheers them on. My jaw tightens and I raise a brow at River when she meets my gaze after the 10 seconds are up.

She smirks at me before getting up and walking back to her seat. I stare at her during the rest of the game but she avoids my gaze for the rest of it. When the games finally end and everyone else leaves it's just River and I left.

She sips her drink while looking at me before speaking. "Mad I didn't kiss you?" She asks, trying to contain her smirk. I walk towards her and grab her hand, yanking her towards me.

"How about we play another game, little ballerina?"

"How about we play another game, little ballerina?"

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