Chapter 17 |Halloween|

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Today was finally Halloween

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Today was finally Halloween. The guys are hosting a party tonight. They told everyone to wear costumes, if you didn't you wouldn't be allowed in. Yeah they were strict when it came to themes.

Greyson told us that he was getting our costumes. He didn't tell us what we were going to be but we all knew he was going to pick something either weird or too extreme.

"So, you never told me how the date went. Did River like it?" Leo asks me as he takes a seat next to me. We're watching Baby Daddy. It was still the best show even after it aired years ago.

"She said she loved it. I think I might ask her out again. Maybe after Fall Final's." I tell him as I take a sip out of my drink out of my cup.

We had a Final at the end of every season. Fall Finals wouldn't be happening until the last two weeks of November. I planned to ask her out again after the finals because of how hectic it gets in November.

Everyone is studying for the upcoming test. Let's not forget the Fall Dance that's happening soon. I also have hockey to focus on too.

"Why don't you ask her to the fall dance?" Leo suggest to me.

"I've never taken anyone to the dance," I tell him, pointing out the obvious. Out of all of us, I'm the one who's never brought a date to these types of dances.

No matter how many girls and sometimes boys asked me. Roman once took a boy and a girl with him as his dates. It was how he came out as Bisexual to the school.

He made out with both of them in front of everyone when a guy on our team said that he couldn't be into boys and girls. Roman held up the middle finger as he did.

Coach kicked the guy off the team, when he heard the guy say something homophobic to Roman. He gave a speech saying that if you were going to be any type of homophobic of racist to any of his players then they should get the fuck out. He added the racist part because one of the players came to him about the same guy saying a racial slur to them.

We never saw Trevor Jacobs again after that. What type of name is that? Who the fuck has two first names. No wonder why he was fucked in the head.

"I know, but this can be the first." Leo says breaking me out of my thoughts. I shrug my shoulders at him. What if she didn't like the date? What if she doesn't want to go to the dance with me?

So many what ifs go through my head. I shake my head trying to get rid of those thoughts. She said she had a good time. I hope she really did, and didn't just tell me she did for my benefit.

"Honey, I'm home!" Greyson yells as he opens the front door of the house. I turn my head in his direction and see him carrying two big bags.

"Why do you have two bags?" I ask him as I get up to grab them but he moves them out of my reach. He puts both bag into one hand before putting his finger to his lips and taps them while he puckers them.

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