Chapter 35 |Christmas|

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It was Christmas night, everyone knew that Noah and I are a couple now

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It was Christmas night, everyone knew that Noah and I are a couple now. Noah and I had met for brunch with my mom, dad and his dad. We had just done gifts with the group at the guys house and now we were about to watch a movie.

We had two options either 'The Grinch Stole Christmas' or 'The Polar Express'. Rose was the one to break the tie breaker by choosing the second option. She had said that 'The Polar Express' is her childhood movie when Greyson tried to change her mind.

Noah and I snuggle on one side of the couch while some of the other either lay on the carpet or the other side of the couch. We had all quieted as the movie started.

After almost two hours, the movie had ended. It was almost 11 at night and we had a long day from seeing family and all that. We all go to rooms, Greyson says that Rose can share with him and Leo says that Nora can share with him.

Roman says that no one can share with him because he sometimes sleep walks and doesn't want to accidentally step on someone. As Noah closes the bedroom door, I finally ask him something that has been bugging me all day.

"Can I get my gift now?" I say impatiently. He had said earlier that he would give me my gift later and well it was later and I was dying to know what it was. He chuckles before nodding his head.

I watch as he walks to his closet and takes out a baby blue colored bag with white tissue paper sticking out of it. He walks over and places in on his nightstand. He gestures with his hand for me to look through it.

Noah stands there with a nervous look as I slowly take out the tissue paper. I finally reach the last one and I take a deep breath before taking it out. I look at and see about 6 books in the bag.

I take out all six and look at them. They were all my favorite books. As I flip through the pages, I see that they are all annotated. I didn't realize when Noah had also brought out another baby blue bag until he placed it on the nightstand with the other.

I look at all the books from my favorite series of all time. I look up at him and see him still nervous. I pull him by the collar of his shirt and kiss the living daylights out of him, when I pull away I hug him.

"So, I'm guessing you like your gift?" He asks me as he hugs me back.

"I love it," I tell him when I pull away to look through the books again. I smile when I see the annotations on some of my favorite chapters and laugh as tears fill my eyes.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Noah asks me with both a worried and confused look. He takes my face into his hands and wipes the tears that fall.

"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!" I cry as the tears come faster. I really think I'm getting my period. Noah pulls me to his chest and holds me as I cry.

He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him and my arms around his neck. He moves the books off the bed and sets me down on the bed. Noah goes to pull away but I only hold onto him tighter and pull him until he is almost on top of me.

"Beautiful, do you want to lay here in jeans and a bra?" He asks me softly as he kisses my temple. He knows I can't sleep or even lay in jeans and that wearing a bra to bed is uncomfortable for me, even if it's a sports bra.

I reluctantly let go of him. Noah grabs some baby blue shorts and one of his white hoodies. He knew at night that I got hot easily and I tried to wear something short and long so that she could make the temperature even.

He quickly changes me out of my jeans and my graphic t-shirt. Once he is done he lays down and pull me over to him. "You okay, now?" Noah whispers to me as wipes my tears with his thumb.

"I think I'm getting my period," I whine as I move my hands to cover my face. Noah pulls my hands away from my face and kisses them. I look up and see him with a small smile on his lips.

"What are you looking at?" I ask him. He just shakes his head as his hand caresses my cheek. Then he whispers something so softly I almost miss it.

"You look beautiful," His words soft against his tongue. I try to hide my smile but I fail horribly. "Even when my eyes are red and I have tear stains on my face?" I ask him with a sarcastic tone.

"Especially," Is all he says. Noah leans down to place a kiss on my lips. Before our lips can touch we hear a shriek come from the hallway. We both jump at the sound and hurriedly get off the bed.

Noah slams open the door and rushes out, me following right behind him. Roman stands there with a hand towel covering his penis. His phone in hand as it plays 'All I Want for Christmas Is You' by Mariah Carey.

We see Leo and Nora rush out their room as well as Greyson and Rose rushing out theirs. "THERE IS A SPIDER IN MY BATHROOM!" Roman yells as he points towards his room.

Rose starts to laugh when she notices him holding a hand towel to his penis. "IT WAS THIS BIG!" Roman exclaims as he opens his thumb and index finger as far as they can go.

Leo and Noah sigh as the rest of us start to laugh at a distraught Roman stares at us. Noah goes into the bathroom to deal with the spider. "Are you kidding me Roman!" I hear Noah yell from Romans bathroom.

We all walked into Romans room to see what Noah was talking about. Noah points to Roman and tells him to come in here. All we see is Roman's ass as he walks in. "Is that it?" Noah asks him and Roman nods.

"That's a fucking Ant!" Noah exclaims and Romans looks at him in disbelief. Rose is now howling in laughter as she pushes through us to see that ant. "You fucking idiot," Rose laughs.

Rose has the weirdest fucking laugh. I remember one time Nora called it the laugh of a dying dolphin and a clown. Rose has said she would never bring her mom's homemade kimchi to Nora again when she heard that.

We all start to join Rose as she laughs. It was Christmas night on a Sunday and here we were laughing and I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here right now.

 It was Christmas night on a Sunday and here we were laughing and I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here right now

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