Dabi x male reader pt 1.

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This is gonna be (KINDA, I SAY KINDA) Based on a song I listened to recently

It's called "Knee deep at ATP" It's the Lovejoy cover (I'm concerned why I didn't know about this song until now seeing as the original's been out since I was born, trigger warning for cheating and like one mention of smoking, this is an xDabi oneshot don't like don't read, I'm proud of this one now uh- enjoy! (more based off of how the song sounds than the lyrics)

Dabi's POV (Oh Em Gee! We haven't seen this before have we?):

(Italics are thoughts)

Two years ago today he brought me here, I'm not sure why he was never the kind of guy to like big crowds. He was never the kind of guy to care for anything really not even me unlike I thought he did. Today was the two year anniversary of our split and in this once empty field is where it happened. I don't know why I keep coming to this damn place the same day every year, maybe it's to listen to the music, might be to see the happy people dancing and singing with each other. Maybe it's simply the fact that I can't let go of the thought of him.

I took a deep breath as I tried to fight my way out of the crowd trying to get out and find a place with less people. As soon as I got out of the crowd I sighed looking back at the stage, I'm sure if I was able to cry I'd being doing just that right about now but that's the cherry on top of the sad looking cake of my life. I coughed a bit, clearing my throat before pulling a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it up. Walking along the cleared path between food vendors, t-shirt stalls and the occasional huddled group of people or tents. Not watching where I was going it wasn't all too unexpected when I felt someone bump into my chest, we both went down the unknown person falling on top of me as I tried to avoid hitting them with my half smoked cig.

Unknown POV, Moments earlier:

"Run", that's all my brain communicated to me after seeing him, seeing them together and happy. I came here thinking that maybe this is what I needed to get over the whole thing but of course he's here with her and she's dancing and laughing and he's holding her just like he held me what feels like so long ago now. Whether he saw me or not I couldn't give a shit but seeing him was enough to send me crying and running in the opposite direction. I couldn't see, my chest hurt from my ragged breathing and yet all I could do was run. I couldn't stop, I didn't want to. All those years to get over him and I still hadn't.

I couldn't tell how long I'd been running or where the hell I was for that matter, I slowed to an almost jog and tried to rub my eyes. But of course as if my day couldn't have been worse I ran into someone and landed on their chest.

Idk what to call this I think it's 3rd person man idfk I failed reading last year:

The music blared in their ears as they ran into each other not being able to process what was happening until after they fell. In a lump of tangled limbs and messy hair the pair sat there dazed and confused for a minute. That was until Y/N sat up looking around him. He looked down and a faint embarrassed blush covered his already reddened face. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and he was breathing heavy from his running. Quickly getting up off of the scarred man's figure after getting his legs untangled he outstretched a hand to the man he'd ran over seconds earlier, offering to help the poor guy up. Dabi reached for the outstretched hand and lifted himself up mostly on his own. Y/N quickly pulled his hand away as soon as Dabi was standing on his feet and instead he started brushing himself off. "I-I'm so sorry sir, I didn't see where I was going I should've been more observant it's my fault I-" Dabi cut the smaller/larger male off with a slight laugh before the male made eye contact with him. Dabi's laugh soon turned into a look of concern as he saw the H/C boy's puffy eyes and red face, "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" the man Dabi was apologizing to quickly shook his head no before looking back to his shoes, which were covered in what used to be mud. The two stood there for a minute before the E/C eyed male spoke up "I'm sorry for running into you sir I really am but, I've gotta go, I sincerely apologize for any disturbance or inconvenience I've caused." With that the male passed by Dabi and started walking away at a fast pace. Dabi turned and ran after the boy, catching up and gently grabbing onto his shoulder. The man turned around startled and got ready to kick whoever was trying to grab onto him. Dabi wore a small smile "Wait- I know I don't know your name and all but, do you wanna go dance? You look like you need a friend right now." Y/N was shocked by these words but after thinking it over a bit he nodded and held out his hand. Dabi grabbed it with his own scarred one and pulled Y/N into the sea of screaming cheering people.

Mha oneshot book! (Mha males x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now