Tamaki x Male Reader

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You fidgeted with your hands as you waited nervously for the doorbell to ring. Today was you and your boyfriend's one year anniversary and you wanted everything to be perfect. You had invited him over for a homemade dinner and decided to cook something easy yet sophisticated. Grilled cheese and Tomato soup. Okay so it wasn't very classy, but it was something that you two had a mutual liking for and it reminded you of the day he asked you out.

One year ago Today

You sat under the cherry blossom tree waiting for your friend Tamaki to arrive. He said he'd had something planned during lunch today and mentioned he was bringing you something special, along with something very important to talk about. So there you sat enjoying a [Fruit of choice].

Tamaki walked up to you with a lunchbox and two thermoses, handing one you along with he spoon and opening the box to reveal two grilled cheese sandwiches. You thanked him before opening the thermos and taking a nice sip of the warm soup.

"So- [Y/n], I've had a really fun time getting to know you, and you're really nice and all and uh- I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me or something?" he questioned

"Take me out to dinner first" you jokily responded before looking up at him and smiling.

"Of course Tamaki, I like you a lot too." You set your food down and leaned over, giving the boy a hug.

Present Day

As if on que the doorbell rang and you looked at the clock.

"Six thirty, right on time, as always" you smiled and let out a little chuckle before briskly walking to the door and opening it. You looked up to find Tamaki dressed in a large plain grey hoodie, and a pair of black sweatpants. Your face turned a bright shade of pink as you realized you were in your best dress clothes.

"Uh- Come in!" You giggled away your embarrassment at overdressing and stepped aside to let the blue haired boy through the threshold before closing the door behind him.

"Sorry I'm so overdressed, I just thought it was a special occasion and wanted to look nice and all an-" Tamaki cut you off

"Nonsense babe, you look fine," he spoke. You looked up at him and caught the last bit of pink fading from his own cheeks as he leant down and gave you a gently peck on the lips. You returned the gesture and pulled away before leading him into the dining room.

"Tadaa" you said as you gestured to the dining room table with jazz hands. Your grandmother was out for the night, which left your small dining room table, and the rest of the house to Tamaki and yourself. The overhead light was dimmed and you had candles set up around the room, along with a bouquet of flowers and a few more candles on the table. The room was decorated in a mix of white and black streamers, along with photos of the last year of dates and adventures you two spent together tacked up on the walls. A banner decorated the doorway leading into the kitchen with "Happy One Year" on it.

"This is- Woah- I'm at a loss for words" Tamaki was beaming, and you lost yourself in his expression for a moment. The pure joy and excitement on his face made you smile before you snapped yourself back into the moment.

You pulled a chair out for him and asked him to sit before pushing him back in and running into the kitchen to grab the food.

After Eating (I aint writing all that shit)

You finished cleaning up the dinner dishes before walking into the living room where Tamaki was setting up a movie. You noticed a gift box on the table and your heart sank a bit.

"That's not for me is it?- I didn't get you anything I'm sorry" you began to speak

"First off it is for you, and second, you made me homemade tomato soup, set up your whole house for one night and you've given me more kisses than I've been able to process, it is quite literally the definition of the least I could do after all you did for me today babe, now why don't you open it before you change into comfy clothes." Tamaki responded, standing up and taking his attention off of the DVD player to you.

You hesitated, looking at the gift box before the taller male took hold of your hands gently and led you to the couch. He sat you down and let go, sitting next to you and placing the carefully wrapped box on your lap.

You stared at the box as though it had just killed your grandmother.

"Open it!" Tamaki said with a tinge of wavering excitement in your voice "It's not gonna open itself, even if you stare at it like you just watched it brutally murder biscuits over there" The man pointed to your cat, who was happily purring whilst kneading the arm of the couch.

You laughed before finally undoing the ribbon and the wrapping paper, opening the box to reveal a dark blue tie with hot pink flamingos on it.

You took in a gasp like intake of air before smiling. Tamaki grabbed the tie and hastily tied it for you, it matched your outfit perfectly after all.

"I'm taking this to my grave." You declared, making your boyfriend giggle. He removed the tie and sat it back in the box before putting the box on the table.

"Alright now go get changed into something comfy while I finish figuring this thing out" the blue haired man said. You nodded and stalked back to your room to change into something comfy.

Six minutes later

"Geez what took you so long, I was about to go check on you!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"I couldn't choose between my allmight pajama pants or my midnight shorts." You jokingly said while fake frowning

"So you went with neither?" Tamaki responded.

"Mhm!" You said, resting your hands on your hips smiling proudly as you stood there in a cropped t-shirt and Eraserhead briefs.

Tamaki shook his head and scoffed a bit, amused at your antics. You walked over and plopped onto the couch next to him, leaning on his shoulder. He smiled and leaned his head against yours before pressing play on the remote.

"What are we watching?" you asked

"Up" he replied, you giggled and nodded before gently pushing him down onto the couch and laying on top of him, listening to the steadiness of his breathing and the rhythmic beat of his heart.

Your eyes began to feel heavy, Tamaki draped a blanket over the two of you and began to run his fingers through your hair.

"Happy one year my love, I love you, more than you'll ever know." Tamaki whispered

You managed to get out an 'I love you' before drifting off to slumber


Word Count: 1177 :D

Kinda like a prequel to the other oneshot idk I just took an idea from it!

I hope you all enjoyed and be sure to comment requests! Thank you so much for the growth on this book since I've returned, love you all! MWAH

-Ye Olde Author

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