Kirishima x Reader pt.2

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Just a small A/N at the beginning of this thing, don't know how this is gonna turn out but whilst daydreaming about my boyfriend I came up with a prompt for this oneshot, so uh yeah- Enjoy, and thanks for 2k!! I love each one of you who've helped us get this far and I hope you enjoy! ^^

I sighed as I flopped onto my back, Kiri giggled before speaking, "Is your foot doing better? It didn't look too horrible but you sure did have a hard time walking for a while" I looked up at him and smiled. Nodding my head, "Yeah, it's a-lot better now thanks to you!" I gave him a closed eye smile. When I opened my eyes he was looking away from me, I could see a small blush across his face and it made me smirk a bit. I blew a puff of air out of my mouth and my hair fell over my eyes. Kiri looked back at me and gave me a small laugh before pausing to think. "Hey, Y/N have you ever dyed your hair?" he asked, I shook my head trying to think "Nope, I don't think I've ever had my hair dyed and I'm sure I haven't done it myself, why ask?" I responded before he got off of the bed. I could feel the place where he was sitting rise, a few minutes later the dip in the bed was back and something was waved in front of my face. I opened my eyes to see a box of red hair dye in front of my face. I looked up at Kiri with a questioning look "So uh, what's this for?" I asked.

Kiri smiled and pulled me up, "We are going to dye your hair!" he said enthusiastically. "You uh- you know how to dye hair" I asked, twirling a bit of my hair between two of my fingers "Yeah! I dye my own hair pretty often, what did you think I was a natural redhead??" I shrugged before standing up. "Well if you know how to do it and promise I'm not gonna lose all my hair then, sure" I looked at him and grinned. He smiled back and I felt my face heat up, 'wait I'm not blushing am I?' I thought to myself 'calm down, you're just overthinking things.' I told myself. Kirishima looked at me and cocked his head to the side, looking at me questioningly before raising one of his eyebrows. "You good Y/N?" he asked, his voice laced with a worried tone, I just nodded before I grabbed the box of dye out of his hands and walked to the bathroom.

V-Timeskip to after the hair dye is put in because I'm a nondescriptive fuck-V

I yawned a bit and leaned back into the chair I was sitting in, looking at Kiri who was pre-occupied on his phone. "Whatcha doin?" I asked, he looked at me "Oh just texting my girlfriend!" He said, a big dopey grin flashing over his face. My heart plummeted into my stomach as the words left his mouth, I think my face got pale too because he looked at me worriedly. "Hey Y/N you okay?" I nodded my head and stood up "Hey, I'm just uh- gonna go to the bathroom quick, okay? Okay! Be right back!" I said before dashing off to the bathroom.

I rushed into the bathroom after getting out of sight of the redhead, silently slamming the door behind me as I sank down my back pressed against it. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them. 'Why am I overreacting about this? I mean I don't like him right?-' I questioned myself as I teared up. There was a knock at the door, which made me jump, "Hey, Y/N you alright?" my eyes shot open and a few tears ran down my face. "H-Huh? Oh yeah I'm alright!! I'm just uh- just about done in here, how much longer do I have to keep this dye in?" I asked as I got up, trying to be quiet. "Uhh- around ten more minutes" he said, I said a small 'ok' to him before flushing the toilet and turning the water to the sink on. I splashed my face with water a couple times before shutting the faucet off and wiping my face with a hand towel from the cabinet.

I opened the door to see Kiri standing there, "You've been crying, haven't you?" he said as he looked at me. I laughed a bit and shook my head, "Pffsht, noo I haven't been crying, Just uh- tired is all!" I said putting on a smile and trying to walk past him. I ran into his chest and looked up at him "Need something big guy?" I asked jokingly. "You didn't look like that seven minutes ago when you went into that bathroom, what's going on?" he asked I shrugged and looked away. "Heyy uh it's about time to wash this dye off right!! Don't want my hair falling out like some old guy haha-" I said trying to change the subject. Kiri sighed and pushed me back into the bathroom, coming in behind me after grabbing the chair I was in. "Sit down and lean your head over the sink" he said before turning the warm water on, I did what he said and relaxed.

<-A Few Minutes Later->

I opened my eyes after Kiri gave me the okay and looked up at him, without another thought my mouth opened and out came the word vomit. "Kiri I like you, I really do and I don't know why but I know that I have feelings for you." A few tears brimmed my eyes, Kiri just smiled and looked at me "Y/N." I looked at him "I know I know you have a girlfriend, you don't like guys I know I don't have a ch-" before I could finish my sentence he leaned down and kissed me, my nerves went into panic mode and I pulled away. "Is something wrong?" He asked a look of panic flashing across his face. "I- Y-You're straight you- you have a girlfriend I-" He let out a laugh through his nose and shook his head. Sitting up I looked up at him confused, "Okay first, I never came out to you but I'm bisexual. Second the girlfriend thing was a prank I- I didn't think you'd take it seriously. Third, I love you too and I'm sorry it took me forever to admit it to myself, and tell you." He looked at me, tears in his own eyes now. I stood up and hugged him, he hugged me back and pulled me off before planting a gentle kiss on my lips. I returned the kiss and melted into his arms. "Let's say we get your hair dried and see how it looks, yeah?" I giggled and nodded.

So idk if that's how I wanted it to end or whatever, this is a shitty part two to whatever I wrote in the other oneshot, didn't really look at it just had a prompt and decided to bridge off of that oneshot. It's nice to be back on this account moving everything over either this morning or when I get home because I keep putting it off but uh yeah, go check out the book I'll be posting, not the mascots one but the one with the good chapter, cya! -Ye Olde Author

1,173 words.

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