Dabi x male reader pt 2

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(no trigger warnings really other than cheating) but yeah, that's about it I'm gonna go write now before I lose my inspiration. Bye!

Y/N's POV (Obv):

I sighed as I slipped on my coat. It was cold and I wasn't looking forward to stepping foot outside on account that it was below zero but I had things more important than the windchill to worry about. As I slipped the other arm on I felt something stiffer than the lining and heard a small crinkle. "goddamnit" I muttered under my breath as I slipped my coat back off and reached into the arm of it feeling a small hole I poked my hand into it before feeling something that felt like papers. Grabbing onto it and pulling it out I walked into the kitchen and sat down on a stool by the island. Setting the envelope I pulled out of my sleeve on the smooth countertop I opened it gently a bit afraid of what was inside. I didn't remember putting it in my sleeve let alone having a hole in it in the first place. I tipped the envelope upside down and a paper fell out along with a couple polaroid photos. The papers didn't look old and neither did the pictures, as I picked up the photos I realized they were of a couple of people. I recognized one of them but not the other. Looking at the photo I'd picked up first I was confused, who is that girl and why is he with her? I thought to myself before picking up the other one. It took me a minute to process what I was looking at but once I realized I froze. He was with the girl I didn't know, and they were kissing. I lightly tossed the photos to the side shaking my head as I picked up a piece of paper that fell along with the photos. Opening up the paper and reading what was inside I realized that this letter was written during the summer this year.

(I'm gonna choose a random name here so if ur names Ein then I am so sorry)

Dear, Ein June 12th, 2014

I had so much fun with you today, and I really enjoyed the time we spent together. I didn't have your number so I wrote you this instead but if you'd like to exchange numbers I'll leave mine at the bottom of this letter. I've never been held the way you held me, I could tell it was full of love and passion. I felt warm in your arms, you were radiating love and compassion. And when we kissed it didn't feel like anything I'd ever done before despite all the kisses I've shared with people so many times before. I can't tell you how upset I was when I realized that tomorrow is our last day together. I hope that we can stay in touch and see each other at the festival next year. Until then stay safe, I'll be thinking of you.

Love, Freya

(P.S Here's my number XXX-XXX-XXXX)

So that was her name, Freya. I felt tears prick the sides of my eyes as I set the letter down on the table with shaky hands. Shoving the papers back into the envelope before closing it and tossing it onto the counter I kicked my shoes off and walked into the bedroom that me and my boyfriend shared. Laying down on the bed and covering myself with the blanket I curled up and fell asleep.

~Three Hours Later~

Y/N's POV:

I woke to the sound of the door closing and someone coughing lightly. I turned over my eyes still closed as I heard footsteps come closer before stopping in the kitchen. Hearing a bit more shuffling and a few things thumping on the floor before I heard footsteps come closer to the door. The door lightly creaked open and the footsteps stopped for a minute before resuming, they walked over to the other side of the bed before I felt it dip signaling that he had sat down. A drawer sliding open and closed before the blanket was lifted and lowered again. Arms pulled me into his chest and wrapped around my waist, he was holding me like he did her in the photo. He sighed and buried his face in the crook of my neck before I spoke, "I know about her" I said plainly and calmly not knowing why I opened my mouth in the first place. "About who?-" the voice replied in a tired tone. "Freya, the girl from the music festival we went to this summer, I saw the photos and the letter, you kissed her, you have her number." That was all that needed to be said before he sat up and looked at me, hurt in his eyes and fear laced in his voice. "I-I'm not sure who or what you're talking about, are you sure?" I nodded and crawled over to his nightstand before opening the drawer. There was nothing there other than a pad of paper and a few pens. I sat there confused for a second before mumbling, "where the hell." I got up and rushed to the kitchen, the envelope wasn't where I left it. I sat there in the same stool I was in earlier as I heard footsteps approach me and felt him wrap his arms around my waist again. "See? No photos, no letter no nothing, You're just paranoid love." He spoke into my ear before nipping at it and kissing the back of my neck. He rubbed my sides gently before moving down to my thighs, kissing the sides and back of my neck. "Mm now can we go back to bed? I'm exhausted." I nodded and stood, moving his hands off of me before he inevitably found some way to move them to my ass.

~Many Hours Later~

Y/N's POV:

My eyes opened as I shimmied out of his grip. The only way of confirmation I had left was from his phone. I grabbed it and opened it thanking the gods that he didn't have it password protected. Tapping on the phone app and scrolling to 'f' I looked through the section. Not Freya, not Freya, Not Fucking Freya. There was no Freya anywhere, I scrolled down and found a contact name that caught my eye, tapping on it and scrolling up to the top of the message history. I was only able to see her name before a pair of hands grabbed the phone and practically slammed it onto the nightstand. I jumped and looked back at him shaking a bit. "You really can't trust me when I say that I don't know what you mean by meeting up with a girl named 'Freya??" he asked. Hurt flashed in his eyes and anger laced his voice, I teared up before putting my face in my hands. Turning away from him I curled up on the bed into a small ball and stayed that way, not caring about how he held me, not caring about the fact that I knew he was lying. "Listen I don't know where you're coming from with all of this but it came out of nowhere. I don't know why you're pissed off and I don't know who the fuck Freya is or what you saw but it better fucking stop, I'm not the kind of person to cheat on you." He said before pulling me into his chest harder, tightly gripping my waist.

~timeskip, heratbrek tieme~

Y/N's POV, June 12th, 2015:

I walked down to the beach looking for my boyfriend, I had no idea where he'd gone but this was the last place he could be as I walked up to one of the concrete barrier things I hopped over it and walked over to a lamppost before I saw it. Then I froze, I was standing there, just watching them. Watching him wrap his arms around her waist like he did to me, watching her hold him like I held him. The music was faint but you could still hear it over here, they were dancing to the song we danced to so many times before. It was the same girl from the photo I saw almost a year ago. The girl he told me didn't exist, the one convinced me I was paranoid about. I felt my heart drop into my stomach as I broke down. I fell grabbing onto the lamppost for support. All the 'I love yous' all the nights we spent in the same bed, the house we shared the meals we ate together the kisses he gave me. None of it mattered, not one bit of it. I stood up slowly, walking over to them. As I got closer they didn't even notice me too caught up in each other instead. I stood behind him as I tapped his shoulder. He turned around and his face turned into one of horror as he realized, "'You're just paranoid' huh? 'I have no idea who the fuck Freya is' It was all one big lie wasn't it. All of it was a fucking lie all the way down to the times you held me and told me I was the one for you and the times you told me you loved me, all of it, A Fucking Lie." I was tearing up like crazy, I couldn't see without tears blurring my vision, he held my face and wiped my tears before I pushed him off. The girl just looked at us confused on what was going on. "W-Who is this Ein?" she said her voice wavering ever so slightly. Ein wrapped me into a hug that I so desperately tried to get out of. I thrashed and pushed kicked and he wouldn't let go. "I-It just happened, love I didn't want you to find out cause I was afraid something like this would've happened I-" I choked out a small 'no' in between sobs and went completely limp. I didn't care anymore, I couldn't I just wanted him to let go. "Let me go Ein." I blinked the tears out of my eyes and looked at him, he looked hurt and angry but I couldn't tell if it was because of me or himself. "You never use my name- I-I can fix it I swear baby I love you" I finally managed to push myself out of his grip and back away a bit. He advanced and that just caused me to back away faster. He reached for my wrist before I pulled away and turned around, running off and not looking back. I couldn't see from the tears in my eyes and I ended up tripping over the sand. Standing up and tripping I managed to get under the pier before I sat, bringing my knees up to my chest and burying my face into my arms. It hurt, it really fuckin hurt and the worst part about it was that I actually still loved him.

Well uh, That's about it I think, I dunno if I'm gonna do a separate chapter for Dabi's backstory with this thing but yea, I'm gonna go now cause it's like almost 12:00 and we might be leaving town tonight (yes ik but we're supposed to get a bad snowstorm and also it's a cool person's house so I don't mind much) anyways, uh yeah that's about it I hope you enjoyed! This was also around 2,000 words but yeah, make sure to vote or comment something you'd like to see or whatever, I'm trying to get into writing sadder chapters cus I wanna get better at this shit but I'm proud of these two so yeah! That's it, bye loves!

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