Aizawa x Male Reader pt.2 (Final part)

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You shook a bit as you wrapped yourself up in your blankets. Today hadn't been a good day, you knew people were bad but not that bad. You had decided to skip the last few of your classes and go back to your dorm to rest, but instead of resting you ended up breaking down into tears as soon as you passed the doorframe to your bedroom.

So there you sat on your bed wrapped up in a comfortable blanket, tired, cold, and wet from the tears and snot running down your face. You curled up under a few more blankets and laid down, soon after being swept into a slumber.

One Hour Later

You woke up with a start, another bad dream plagued you in your sleep and you woke up in a cold clammy sweat. You took a moment to bring your breathing back to normal before you realized a dip in your bed.

"Finally up huh?" the voice asked.

You shot to your side to see who it was before realizing it was the demon that had visited you a few days ago.

"Aizawa? What are you doing here?" you questioned.

"Sensed a bad energy in a familiar place and decided to check it out, I got here and things had died down a bit, you were asleep. I was gonna leave but then that feeling returned and I realized you were having a bad dream so, I stayed" He answered

You nodded and sighed, laying down and looking at a tapestry on the ceiling.

"I'm sorry" you mumbled.

"It's quite alright, I don't mind it honestly. Is there anything I can do to help though?" he asked.

"I dunno" you replied as you sat up.

You stood up and walked over to your dresser, opening the top drawer and pulling out two oversized hoodies. One of them went down to about your knees, and the other one was slightly larger.

You tossed the slightly larger one at Aizawa, "Here" you spoke "It's fucking freezing in here." The man nodded and widened his eyes a bit before letting out a small huff of air and slipping on the sweater.

You slipped on your own before walking back to your bed flopping down onto it. You looked up and your eyes met Aizawa's, his eyes were a gentler shade of red when he wasn't actively provoked and you found yourself lost in them.

He smiled at you revealing two small fangs on the sides of his mouth and you smiled back.

"I could help you get to sleep if you want?" he suddenly spoke.

"How?" You questioned, your eyebrow raising

"I could sleep with you" he replied, the corner of his mouth quirking up

Your face heated up and a blush spread across your cheeks as your mind began to wonder. You closed you eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"Not like that you pervert" Aizawa said, interrupting your thoughts. "I meant we could cuddle while you slept, it might help with the dreams, I know it does for me."

Your face turned a brigher shade of red as you began to nod frantically. "Yeah! Of course, I wasn't thinking about anything bad I just was- y'know- thinking about- uh-" You trailed off looking for an excuse.

"Mhm, I can read minds y'know" the man replied cockily

"Y-You can?" Your voice waivered.

"No I'm just fucking with you, I'm not a psychic, but between that response and the look on your face I can tell." He teased before adjusting his position to lean against your headboard.

"'Cmon" he spoke, patting his chest. You hesitated before inching over to him and resting your head on his chest. You wrapped your arms around his torso and sighed, smiling as your drifted off to sleep for the second time.

Three Hours Later

Your eyes slowly opened and you looked around groggily. You were in your room and everything looked in place. The only difference was that you were hooked onto the demon man you'd met days ago.

"Morning sleepyhead" he spoke, flashing a smile down at you

You mumbled something that resembled a good morning and he chuckled a little.

"Still tired eh?" he asked. You shook your head and gave him a sleepy closed eye smile. He just let out another more booming chuckle and shook his head whilst running a hand through your hair.

You giggled a bit and nuzzled into his chest a little more. A voice and a few gunshots played through the speakers in your room and you perked up a bit.

"Whatcha playin?" you questioned.

"I honestly have no idea, it just looked violent and was fun so I decided to try it out" he said enthusiastically.

You nodded, "what time is it?" you questioned before looking towards the clock on your nightstand.

"Uhhh- Around two am?" the man responded before you were able to check for yourself.

"Are you sure you don't wanna sleep?" you replied back

As if on que a yawn came from the man above you and you giggled a bit "Guess there's my answer hm?" you teased before grabbing the controller and turning off your console.

"Hey! I was playing that" the man said, you just giggled while he ran a hand through your hair.

Aizawa adjusted his position to lay down and draped a few blankets over the two of you before wrapping his arms around you and holding a tad bit tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere" you said sleepily, a small smile on your face.

"I just wanna make sure" the man responded before yawning again

"Thank you, for making sure I was able to sleep well, you really helped" you spoke, hugging the man a bit tighter yourself.

"It's no trouble, I know what it's like to not be able to sleep, I'm happy I was able to help." The man responded

And there you two laid wrapped in each other's arms, drifting off to sleep together.


Word Count: 1001

Sorry if this chapter sucked I'm quite literally writing this after bit at 11:30 pm after finishing the chapter. Crying screaming sobbing I almost fell asleep twice. I still hope you enjoyed though! Check out other chapters or my other books (Please don't read infinite cum I am BEGGING YOU) uh yeah! THIS IS YOUR WARNING TO GET THE FUCK TO BED AND HYDRATE. Might be my last upload until after spring break but I have no idea! Depends on how many requests are sent in between now and next Sunday. Anyways this is long so I'm gonna dip! Goodnight and g'bye! Love you all!

-Ye Olde Author

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