Episode 6 The Dunkan's

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Another morning without the sunshine of the Dunkan's, the first vamp family is still longing for their long lost princess.

Mostly, the father, Nicolo Dunkan, he never got the chance to spent his time with his daughter, y/n.

The mother, Hailey, she still can't get off the guilt she was feeling for making her daughter go to Neverland.

Y/n's eldest sister, Eliana, still can't forget what she have done to her own sister.

Yana, y/n's auntie, still hasn't moved on about what she have done, she knows that she is in a safe place away from here.

Elias, y/n's uncle, he really adore y/n with all his heart, right after she was born, he can't take his eyes off her.

Connor, y/n's second uncle, also can't get over the fact that y/n might not be safe, she is a vampire and is clueless about it.

"Where could she be now..." Hailey ask to herself.

"Don't worry, she might be in a safe place mom." Eli said.

"We don't know it.. someone might have her." Nicolo said In a annoyed voice.

"Nic, getting angry won't help us find y/n, all we gotta need to do now is to let treasure and Enhypen find her, because it's their job to do so." Elias said.

"What if Nic was right? What if she's in danger?" Connor ask.

"She's not." Yana said after a long time, she finally spoke up.

"How come?" Nic ask her.

"Because I know she is safe." Yana said again.

"Do you know where she is?" Nic ask her.

"Nope, and if ever I did I won't tell you if where." Yana replied.

"You know what, you're such a bad liar my dear little sister, so you better tell me where the hell is my daughter?!" Nic said out of anger.

"I told you. I won't." Yana said before disappearing into thin air.

"You spoiled her too much Elias that's why she's being like that!!" Nic annoyingly said.

"I didn't. She is just close to me, that's all." Elias defense to himself.

Nic goes back to his shared room with Hailey and took their family photo frame:

He misses his angel, y/n, he misses how she plays with him though he himself never experienced to play

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He misses his angel, y/n, he misses how she plays with him though he himself never experienced to play.

He just wants what's best for his child, he was crying already, tears keeps flowing out of his eyes as he stare at one picture only:

He just wants what's best for his child, he was crying already, tears keeps flowing out of his eyes as he stare at one picture only:

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Y/n, they change her last name to Bathory, for her identity to not be published in public.

He misses her, he miss how she cheer him up whenever she feels like her father is feeling down, she knows her father really well that it hurt Nicolo Dunkan.

He thinks of himself as a bad father to his own children, but all he wants is to protect this family, to protect you, but.. he thinks he failed you.

He thinks that you are disappointed to him, he thinks that you are now mad at him and calling him a bad father and that if ever you made friends and they ask you where you're father is, you're answer will be, ' he is already dead. ' or ' he left me, such a coward. ' he doesn't want that.

He wants you to be proud of him just as much as he is to you, he wants for you to know if how much he loves you, cherish you and treasure you, you are his life, now that you are nowhere to be seen, he feels like he doesn't live anymore.

He feels like as if he just lost his soul, he feels as if his heart is beginning to be break piece by piece, he feels as if, he was being torn apart ever since the day they had lost you.

It was a stupid Idea to make Damien know about you're absence since he too is looking for you.

Damien, the person who really cherish you like his own sister, but being misunderstood by you're father, nicolo, he thinks that Damien has interest in you.

Nico, Eliana's boyfriend was also looking for you since you we're like a sister to him too, ever since he had met Eliza, which is Eliana's twin, which is also happened to be you're so-called-mom in human world.

Eliza, she is protecting you in so many ways possible, but sadly, she died, been killed because of the vampire slayers, Eliza gives you to Brenda, a very kind vampire slayer, who happens to marry a Korean guy named Jung Bradlee or lee for short.

Soo-hee, she is you're best friend in Neverland who happens to die and reborn right before the attack in the orphanage of Neverland.

This people became part of you're past, this people has the same way of love that they are feeling towards you, the affection, the happiness and the sadness they are feeling is all for you.

They have gone mad, they wanted you back, they wanted to know if how you are, they wanted to know how there princess is doing now, if how she is hanging to everything, how she's processing all this.

They badly wanted to know it, the Dunkan's can't wait to see you again, to meet you again, to hug you again and see those smiles again, they wanted to hear those cute giggles, chuckles and even laugh from you.

They wanted to see you're overwhelming charisma, you're unforgettable fighting skills, you're savageness, you're strength, you're will and you're power, they wanted to see all of those again.

They wanted for you to kick the new princess out of her throne,  Lenora Akasha, the girl who claimed you're throne as her's and manipulated all you're people, the girl who wants power and you're lovers.

She wants what you have, and once she wants something, she can get it, but every vampire knows what a Dunkan can do, what you can do, if how powerful you are, you won't give mercy to her everyone knows it, and once you came back and step you're foot in mainland, they all know everything will turn upside down.


A/n: Sorry for this late and short chapter update, I was having a hard time right now, also my Choose-Chosen book is already in it's Season 3 so I am having a hard time what to write first, anyways enjoy this short chapter, I'll publish the next one later on. (1033 words)

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