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Tribute Training Center

They didn't even bother to give us instructions. It's almost as if the game-makers had just decided to keep us monkeys in a box until we were needed. In total fairness, only half the tributes were here.

I was of the half that bothered to show up. So was Finnick, by my side, where we both promised to be.

Other than the two of us, it was The Careers (shocker), Wiress and Beetee (a bit weird— but nice), Johanna (who I actually missed), and a few others I didn't know too well.

Eyeing the sparring mat, I suppressed a shudder and walked over to the berries and poisonous plant table. It held a series of tablets and seeing as how I was covered in combat, this was probably the best place to start.

"Figures you'd go for the boring stuff." Finnick teased as he leaned against the table I started to work on.

"Well seeing as this is one of my few weak points, I thought it'd be best."

"I don't even know why we're bothering." He groaned.

"Because I need to do something or I'll go crazy, and my sketchbook is wildly horrific at the moment." I repressed the memory of the blood and gore I had drawn last night. "And you are here because you love me."

"Which, need I add, is bound to be my downfall." He smirked at me.

"Probably." I conceded. "Now start working. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something."

With another huff, he walked to the other side of the table and began fidgeting with the tablet displaying different poisonous plants.

I could hear the elevator ding across the training room, but truthfully I didn't care enough to see who else had come. Finnick clearly did though because, out of my peripheral vision, I saw him look up.

"Cue the lovebirds." He muttered and bent his head back down.

I turned the upper half of my body around to see Katniss and Peeta enter the training room, looking slightly apprehensive. I didn't blame them, look left and there's Johanna swinging her axe like a madwoman. Look right and there was Enobaria on the sparring mat... the sparring mat.

A Major— kick

C Minor— uppercut

D Flat— blood

My hand clenched around the tablet I was holding so tight I could feel the glass shift beneath my fingers. My eyes had gone out of focus and I couldn't hear anything.

A hand touched mine.

'Breath, Isla, breath.' I thought, 'Focus on fact.'

The hand was warm. Rough calluses only on the palm and thumb.


I turned around and he was looking at me, a worried expression glossing his features. He must have said my name a few times because he said it again with more urgency in his tone.


"I'm fine." I took a deep breath. "Did anyone see?"

I spared a glance around me but everyone seemed preoccupied with their own business.

"No, you're ok." Those words had double meaning, and I let that comfort me before I shoved any lingering feelings down.

Fin hesitated before he finally started the question.


"The mat. That's where they trained me. I don't remember much, but... the feel of the mat and the smell of blood is clear." I let out a humorless chuckle. "That's why I avoid the training room when we mentor."

"We don't have to stay." He started to insist.

"Yes we do. I need to get over this mental block. I'm going to have to fight again... soon."

He looked like he wanted to walk around the table and swallow me in a hug. In total honesty I could use one right now, but we couldn't in the training room and I shook my head slightly.

He paused before finally admitting, "I guess there's truth in that."

He left me to my own thoughts as we both refocused on our tablets. He was good about that, knowing when I needed to be left alone. I was perfectly content staying at the table until a commotion pulled my attention.

Looking to my right a crowd of the tributes had gathered around one of the training pods. Glancing at Fin, I jerked my head towards them and we walked.

Surprise, surprise, it was Katniss in the pod. Arrows were flying left and right. She ducked, jumped, rolled and did pretty much everything you can do while taking on many opponents with one weapon. Admittedly, it was rather impressive, and I could tell I wasn't the only one who thought so.

Looking left and right I saw some tributes, The Careers for example, looking nearly murderous. Some others though, such as Wiress and Beetee, were almost watching in awe.

Sparing a glance at Peeta, I could see the whispers of a proud smile on his face. He knew what this would do, even if she didn't. This would make them allies, put them ahead of the game.

She finished and finally noticed us, probably because of Wiress, she was clapping.

I felt a tug on my hand. It was Fin, he jerked his head back towards the elevator. I followed, us being the first to leave the pack, that would be noticed.

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