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Katniss's POV

Katniss sidled up next to Peeta, who took considerably less time to get dressed. He was standing with Haymitch and Effy in the waiting area that no one else had bothered occupying. They were all watching the current interview.

"Is he preening?" Katniss asked, somewhat sarcastically.

She hadn't made her mind up about Finnick, who was finishing his interview. She knew she didn't trust him, but guessed there was probably more there than the mask he seemed so proud of. Isla seemed nice, or so Peeta said. Katniss was less sure. All she knew was she wasn't going to trust anyone who was quite literally a capitol robot.

"Yes, he's just proclaimed his undying love before he leaves for battle." Haymitch answered, taking a swig from his flask.

"Hm, well I've heard that trick works well." She elbowed Peeta in the ribs.

He flinched and mocked pain but she knew he didn't feel it. He was was still as strong as their games, maybe more. 

"Alright, alright." He conceded.

They both turned their attention back to the screen where Finnick was being ushered off to the Tribute's podium and Caesar Flickerman was introducing the next victor. 

"Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask that you give a warm welcome to our next tribute. You know her, you love her... our most gracefully gruesome... Isla Crawford!"

Isla ran gracefully and daintily onto the stage. Katniss was about to be disgusted but then noticed her pointe shoes and ballerina bun. Would she really want to dance tonight?

"Oh my goodness!" Caesar exclaimed. 

After Isla had entered the stage Caesar had offered his hand and he twirled her into a graceful pirouette.

"Oh. My. Goodness. My dear, you're so stunning."

"Oh Caesar, you know how I feel about compliments." She laughed it off like there was no camera in front of her.

"Well who can help it when you look this elegant?" Caesar gestured once more to her dress.

"Well, we must thank Adwin for this, not me." She gestured to him in the crowd and the designer in question stood to bow, wiping his eyes with a handkerchief.

It was then that Katniss realized how fortunate she was to have Cinna. She knew this before, of course, but she hadn't considered the alternative of having a stylist willing to do whatever the capitol tells them.

"Well, yes. Thank you, Adwin for this creation." Caesar's voice pulled Katniss's attention back to the screen. "Now, Isla, tell me: How are you feeling about how this whole Quarter Quell is shaping up? Are you sad, angry, mystified?"

"I think 'betrayed' is probably the best word, Caesar." Her tone held resentment and the audience made noise of agreement.

Before Caesar could intervene, steer the conversation elsewhere, she kept going.

"I know everyone in the Capitol loves me, I feel it. Or at least, I've felt it." She put her hand on her heart. "But this? This isn't love."

Another cry of outrage erupted from the audience. Peeta was right, the Capitol's citizens weren't happy about the Quell, and it seemed that every victor was going to play into that.

"Isla," Cesar started, clearly scared of where this would go. "I cannot explain why the Quarter Quell works the way it has to, but I can ask you this: Are you at least excited to dance again?"

Anyone but a former victor would have missed it, but fear quickly flashed through her eyes.

"Is this you saying you'd like me to?" She evaded the question.

The audience erupted in applause.

"Well who wouldn't?" Caesar shouted. "It's been too long, we've missed you."

"Alright, alright." She laughed.

It sounded forced, or was that Katniss's imagination?

Isla swept her arms outward as she walked forward and gently placed herself into first position. Her eyes slid closed, and music began. It was Motzart. Symphony 525 if Katniss remembered correctly from the few records that were in her house from before the war.

The second the notes began to strike, Isla's body moved in tune. All very elegantly demonstrated but somehow it still didn't seem natural. That's when Katniss realized.

"Oh my god, her eyes." She muttered in shock.

Isla's eyes, instead of her usual blue, were a pitch dark shade of black. And Katniss was willing to bet she didn't blink while performing either.

"I've always hated this." Haymitch said

His face held a grimace but his eyes were glued to the screen. 

While she danced in a very beautiful and classic way, her body movements seemed inhumanly sharp. Almost as if her pointed foot was slicing through the air instead of floating.

"How long are they going to make her..." Peeta trailed off.

"Well, everyone only has two minutes on stage." Effie stated.

Almost as if talking brought it into will, Isla finished a triple pirouette and landed her feet softly in third position. Her eyes shut for a moment and then they were back to blue.

(I understand I invented the concept, but I think I've creeped myself out here.)

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