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In the Elevator

"That was stupid." I said.

He pressed the button and the doors shut in front of us.

"Actually it was kind of genius. She just attracted at least ten potential allies."

"Not Katniss. You." I rolled my eyes. "We were the first to leave, that's going to be noticed."

"So let it be noticed. I'm not going to be lumped in with her crowd of admirers."

I paused, hesitating to say what I really thought.

"Spit it out." Fin sighed.

He knew me too well.

"I think there is a part of you that understands Katniss. More than you want to. And that makes you uncomfortable." My tone was even, but I just felt irritated.

"Understand her?" He scoffed. "Because she cheated the system and got off scot free while I've been stuck in it for years? Because she pretends to know what love is when she so clearly doesn't have a clue? Because they get to flaunt their so-called romance in front of everyone while we're stuck in the dark?" His temper was rising.

"She's like you, she puts up walls, she doesn't know how to feel." I pressed, I shouldn't have, but he's irritating when stubborn.

"Oh and you can?"

"First of all, back off. I'm not the enemy here. And second, I have a method of dealing with my feelings. There's a reason I don't let you touch my sketchbook." I turned fully toward him now, unreasonably angry, but I didn't care.

"Oh well, I'm sorry not everyone's a fucking saint." He faced me now too.

"All I'm saying is that you can't just push it down and then lash out when it gets too much."

"Isla, the last thing I need right now is—"

The elevator stopped. The mechanics made a gurgling sound and suddenly we were moving another direction.

"What the hell?" Fin muttered.

We were moving fast too. All the technology in the Capital was state of the art but this was faster than an elevator should be allowed to go.

"What's happening?"

We grabbed onto the railing, then each other.

"I don't know, but either someone wants to see us or—"

Then we stopped, abruptly, on the 13th floor. The doors opened.


We both cautiously took a step out. Looked at each other, then back at the empty room.

"Sorry about the dramatics." The voice came from our left. Both of our heads whipped around to meet it. "I had to override the elevator so security wouldn't know."

It was Plutarch Heavensbee. Why would the game-maker want us?

I knew Finnick was thinking the same question, but looking at him would be a tell. And like hell if I'm going to give anything away to the game-maker for free.

"Mr. Heavensbee." Finnick said. His tone had shifted to the devil-may-care, movie star voice he mostly used for interviews. "Is there something we can do for you?"

"Depends. Come with me." He said and simply turned around to walk off.

I looked at Fin, who looked back at me. I could practically see the gears turning in his head.

We followed Mr. Heavensbee around to the other side of the floor. It was the top of the building and had a circular shape, which only gave me the impression of being stuck in a hamster's wheel.

He stepped into an office, evidently not his though, due to the lack of decor and (I quickly noticed) lack of cameras.

We stepped in after him, and behind us, I heard the door swing shut with a defining click.

"I won't beat about the bush, but what I am about to say will shock you." He sat on the edge of the desk while we both stood with rapt attention. "District 13 is alive and well. Its members live underground and have been building a decent and well-equipped resistance. They would like to stage a coup, an uprising against the Capitol. I am going to help them through these games. Hopefully the last Hunger Games ever to be held." He took a pause before saying, "What I'd like to know is, can I count on your help?"

The silence was deafening. Lasting a rough total of a minute in a half before both Finick and I spoke at the same time.


"No way."

All Plutarch did was chuckle.

"I figured you two would need some convincing. After all, who has the Capitol violated more?" He reached behind him, took the only file on the desk and handed it to me. "Here. Look at these, burn them after, and find a way to get your answer to me by the end of the day."

With that he stood, walked around us and opened the door. Neither of us turned.

"Oh and, best not to take too long up here. People will definitely notice your absence."

When I heard the door click, I didn't waste time. As I tore open the file, hope had filled me more than it should have.

And what we saw... nothing could have convinced us better.

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