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Level Four

Isla's pov

Once in the safety of the elevator, I collapsed into the railing, leaning most of my weight against it. Finnick was immediately at my side, supporting me.

"I knew something was off, what happened, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I hooked my arm around his shoulder. "They over extended my leg in the Grand Jetè, I think something's been pulled."

"What? The night before the Games?" Fin sounded panicked. "What were they thinking?"

I scoffed.

"They were probably thinking I followed 'Doctor's orders' and have been stretching everyday."


"I'll be fine. Just need to put some ice on it, roll it, stretch it."

His eyes were still trained on my leg. I reached up to cup his cheek.

"It's okay."

He nodded but still swept me up once the elevator reached the fourth floor. I laughed, a loud boisterous laugh, that made Finnick do the same. He set me on the bed and began to move away, most likely to retrieve some ice. I didn't let him though, not quite yet.

Reaching for the neck of his shirt I pulled him down into a quick kiss. He was caught off guard but I felt him smile. 

"You are not going to distract me," he kissed me once more and then pulled back. "From the fact that you need ice."

"Oh but I'm so very good at distractions." I teased as I pulled him down for another, slower kiss.

His hands were on either side of me, on the bed, and even though I heard him groan with need, he remained standing. With what I could tell was much effort, he pulled back. Adding the extra measure of backing up a few steps.

He gave me one of his patented, cheeky smiles.

"Uh-uh." He shook his head. "You need taken care of and that happens to be one of the things that I am very good at."

With that he marched out of the room as if it was a protest. I smiled to myself, momentarily forgetting the reality of our situation as I bent down to untie my ballet slippers.

As I pulled at the ribbon, I marveled at how easy it had been to slip into the dance tonight. I used to resist more, especially at first, but I had learned very quickly in my own games that it was safer just to let them take over.

I hated it. I hated how blissful the feeling was when I wasn't in control. I supposed that was the point. Make it easy for the subject. Make them want to give in.

Finnick's footsteps pulled me from my thoughts as he returned with an ice pack. I gave a weak smile and took it from his hand.

We stayed in comfortable silence for several moments while I iced my leg. Getting to the floor, I performed the stretching routines I had been taught, several years ago by now. I could feel Fin's eyes as he watched me. I knew he wanted to know what was in my head, I just wasn't sure if he needed to know.

Almost predictably, he asked the question as I stood and walked to the mahogany wardrobe, ready to get this costume off of me.

"What are you thinking of?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was thinking of your speech this evening." I laughed and pulled out a pair of silk pajamas. "'Finnick, I believe you have a message out there for a special somebody.'"

I imitated Caesar Flickerman as I walked to the bathroom. Finnick stayed plopped on the bed, but shouted back at me.

"Oh, because you were so genuine? 'I feel betrayed, Caesar. The Capital doesn't love me!'"

I poked my head from behind the door, half of my makeup already off.

"Hey! I was working with what I had! Besides, I'm not the heart-throb here." I retreated back to finish the removal of my makeup. "We can't all pull the 'I will never see my love again please feel pity for me' plea."

I saw him appear in the bathroom mirror but it didn't stop me from what I was doing. He was quiet while I splashed water on my face. Even as I pulled down my costume and stepped into my pajamas. When I finally turned to face him, he looked serious.

"You know..." He started. "I would give anything to be going into that arena alone, without you." His hands found mine. "At least then I'd know you were safe."

I kissed his cheek before I whispered in his ear.

"Fin, you should know by now. None of us are safe."

"You never know. Peeta dropped one hell of a baby bomb." His tone sounded hopeful but his eyes didn't match.

"You are above wishful thinking." I placed a hand on his chest.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked again.

I sighed and stepped back, leaning against the counter.

"You're not going to like it."

"Try me."

I fumbled with my clothing, avoiding his gaze.

"It's getting easier and easier for them to take over. I just..." I gave a frustrated sigh and forced myself to look at him. "How am I supposed to be part of an alliance when the Capitol could just take over whenever they want?"

He looked at me like I was crazy. Valid enough, I felt crazy.

"I'm not going to pretend to know what it's like. But I know you, and there's no one else I would rather have with me in there."

"We're going to have to corral Katniss and Peeta. I don't know how to do that with the knowledge that the gamemakers could just–"

"Hey," His hands found my face and he looked at me with an intensity in his gaze. "What are you trying to say?"

I took a deep breath.

"You have to promise me something... if I start to feel the darkness, if I know they're about to take over; you stay clear of me, and you make sure the others do the same."

"But what if–"

"Even if it looks like I'm in danger."

"Isla, I can't–"

"Promise, Fin." I knew I sounded insane but I didn't care. "Promise, or I can't help with this alliance."

It took him a long time before he responded. But when he did, I knew that we were going to be okay. Whatever happened in the arena, Finnick and I were fine. With that thought, I allowed myself a few hours of respite before the morning came.

(I'm having mixed ideas of what I want the arena chapters to look like so wish me luck on writing the next few chapters lol)

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