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It was Friday afternoon when Marinette and her friends were heading home from school. They decided that they would spend the rest of the afternoon at Marinette's house.

Marinette, a 18 year old girl, lived with both her parents, Tom and Sabine Cheng. Her father owned the best well known bakery in Paris and her mother had her own company. Since her parents were harding working people they earned quite a lot of money. Marinette never took advantage of this and only asked money when she really needed it.

Marinette and her friends walked in the bakery and saw her dad decorating a huge cake.
"Hey dad," Marinette greeted and he looked up.
"Hey pumpkin, hey girls," he greeted them with a smile. Marinette's friends smiled and greeted him back.
"We are going to my room now papa," Marinette told her dad and he nodded.
"Okay hunny, there are some snacks if you get hungry."
"Thanks papa." Marinette gave her father a kiss on the cheek and went to her room with her friends. Marinette and her parents lived on top of the bakery making it easier for her dad to open and close the bakery.

"So what are we going to do?" Alix, one of Marinette's friends asked as they were all sitting in her room.

Alix, one of Marinette's best friends who loves rolling skating and sports, one could say she was more of a tomboy.

"Well we could just play some games or talk about boys," Alya, Marinette's best friend, cooned.

Alya, Marinette's best friend, who she tells everything too. They know all each others secrets and share everything. Alya is a famous blogger, she would blog about her life and anything that came to mind.

They all rolled their eyes and choursed:" Our boy lover."
"Shut up, at least I have a boyfriend, unlike someone." Alya said and looked over at Marinette.
"So what if i don't have one. It's not the end of the world."
"Now I know what we can do!" Mylene exclaimed in excitement.

She was also one of Marinette's friends. She was a shy and scared young teen, but she always stood up for what was right, with the help of her boyfriend and friends.

"We can help Marinette confess." she added and they all nodded except for Marinette.
"Guys he doesn't like me like that."
"How do you know that? You haven't told him your feelings yet." Rose said and crossed her arms

Rose the sweet positive one of the group who always was happy and joyful. Rose saw good in everything and tried to lighten the mood. She was just a bundle of love.

"Mmm yeah," Jules said, she is the shy one of the group, who barely speaks but sometimes she comes over her shyness but just in front of people she is close too.

"Okay I'll do it." Marinette said defeated.
"But no plans, I'll just text him to meet me at the park." She added and took out her phone.
"Today?!" the girls asked surprised.
"Yeah, if he rejects me, I'll have the whole weekend to recover." Marinette told them and took out her phone.
She searched for his number and found it.
{Hey Adrien.
I was wondering if we could meet up at the park later. I have something important i like want to tell you in person.
Love Marinette}

Marinette's crush, Adrien. He is a famous teen model. Every girl is crazy about him. His father is sometimes very protective, but he downed down when Adrien turned 17. Adrien is a sweet and kind young man with good manners and qualities, but there was a side of him only Marinette knew. He was a flirt!! But only with her.

Marinette was about to hit send but paused.
"Maybe it's best if I don't."But Alya grabbed her phone and hit send. Marinette grabbed her phone from her best friend and looked at the message nervously.
"Alya!!" The nervous panicking girl exclaimed.
"What's done is done," Alya simply said and shrugged.
"Tell us what he says," Rose said and stood up.
"Yeah we have to go now, but we'll check up on you," Myleene said and everyone nodded in agreement.
"See you later, bye." All of them left leaving Marinette who was a nervous wreck.

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