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The bell rang and everyone made their way to class. Alya and Marinette had class together, so they had to separate from their friends who had to go to other classes.

"So now you have a boyfriend?" Alya teased Marinette as they walked up the stairs to the next floor.
"Yes, and stop teasing." Marinette said and walked past her best friend. Alya giggled and ran to catch up with her.
"Sorry girl, but seriously I can't believe it." Alya squealed.
"Yeah me neither." Marinette laughed as they entered the class. They sat down and talked casually waiting for the teacher.
"Class was so boring." Alya said and emphasising the word 'boring.'
Marinette rolled her eyes and kept on eating.
"Guess who." A voice behind her said and covered her eyes.
"Love." Marinette answered in the best British accent she could make. The group laughed and Adrien kissed her cheek.
"Correct Ocean." He sat down next to her as Nino sat besides Alya.
"Great work on the accent Mari."
"Shut up Nino." Marinette said and playfully throw a grape at him. He laughed and caught the grape before eating it.
"Thanks." He said after swallowing it.
Marinette glared at him and Adrien pulled her closer.
"His joking."
"Yeah Mari, no hard feelings." Marinette crossed her arms and looked away. Alya giggled at the scene and nudged her boyfriend.
"Lets go." She whispered and he nodded. They both stood up and took their trays.
"Where are you going?" Marinette turned around and saw her two friends standing at the table.
"Yeah where are you going?" Marinette repeated Adrien's question.
"You don't want Nino here so we'll leave." Alya answered.
"I never said that and you should tell your boyfriend to stop mocking me."
"So you don't want us to leave?" Nino asked and Marinette glared at him.
"No, but no more teasing." Nino nodded and sat down with Alya. After a few seconds the group burst out in laughter.
"Okay, but seriously Nino don't mock or tease me."
"Okay I won't." Nino winked and she giggled.
"So can we eat now?" Adrien asked and made a pout.
"You are always hungry."
"Am not." Adrien protested against Marinette.
"You are, but seriously Mari lunch is almost over." Alya said and they all began to eat.
After school Adrien decided to take Marinette home. When they arrived there they found the bakery closed with the sign.


"I wonder why it's closed." Marinette said and Adrien agreed.
"Maybe he went to visit your mother." He suggested.
"Maybe, but lets go up." They walked to the side entrance that led to the apartment upstairs. They headed to the kitchen to make something to eat.
"So what would you like ?" Marinette asked. Adrien shrugged and sat on the stool.
"Anything that's available." Marinette rolled her eyes.
"Such a gentleman."She said. He winked and she giggled.
"Always." Marinette smiled and checked the fridge.
"There is some leftover pasta from last night." She told him, he nodded and she diched some for them. She warmed it up and sat next to him.
"Bon Appetit." She said and they dug in.

Marinette and Adrien were watching television when Tom sent Marinette a message.

{Sorry that I'm not there pumpkin. I visited your mother and helped her out with a new delivery, by carrying some boxes. Your mother has to work late and I offered to stay to keep her company. Don't wait up and don't worry about leaving anything for us to eat we'll order something. Just take care of yourself okay? Love you❤️}

{Okay papa no worries.
Love you too❤️}

"Marinette? Whose that?" Adrien asked and looked over her shoulder. She switched her phone off, but Adrien saw the ' love you too❤️' part.
"Ocean, who was that?" He repeated.
"No one." She answered and he raised his eyebrow.
"No one?" She nodded and took the bowl where the popcorn was in to the kitchen. When she walked away Adrien quickly grabbed her phone only to discover...
she changed her password.
"What are you doing?" Adrien heard a voice behind him. He slowly looked up and saw a furious Marinette with her arms crossed.
"Um.... I....wanted to check the time?" His statement came out more of a question.
"Adrien! Were you trying to go through my phone?!" Adrien flinched and stood up and handed her the phone which she grabbed.
"Sorry." He looked down at his feet and fidgeted with his hands. Marinette sighed and shook her head.
"It was my dad." She simply said and walked to her room leaving a guilty Adrien standing alone. He lifted his head and watched her walk up the stairs and to her room.
He waited a few minutes for her to calm down and decided to go apologize.

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