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Adrien had arrived home to see his father's office light still on. He decided  he would tell his father about him and Marinette.
He knocked on the door and walked in after he heard a 'entre' from his dad.

"Adrien? Back already?" His father asked and looked up from the computer.
"Yes father," Adrien sat down in one of the chairs in the office.
"What's wrong son?" Adrien looked down and fiddled with his fingers.
"Adrien." He sighed and looked at his father.

"Why am I so nervous? I just have to tell him I'm dating Marinette, but what if he doesn't accept her?"

"I have a girlfriend." I simply said fast but slow enough for him to hear.
"Okay son." He said and smiled, but it quickly faded.
"Now go to bed you have a big photoshoot tomorrow morning." Adrien nodded and stood up. He walked to his room and fell dreamily on his bed.

"Can this day get any better?" Adrien thought and drifted off to sleep.
Monday morning Marinette was sitting at the dinner table enjoying the lovely breakfast her mother had made, when she received a text.
{Hey Ocean I'm going to pick you up so we can go to school together.❤️
See you soon. }

"Ocean? He has a nickname for me? Aww I love him sooo much. What nickname can I give him? Emerald maybe."

Whose that honey?" Sabine asked as she looked at the big smile on her daughter's face.
"Adrien." Marinette's smile grew big as soon as she mentioned his name.
"What did he say, that made you smile like that?" Tom asked and tried to looked over he shoulder.
"He said he was picking me up." Marinette hid her phone as she answered her father's question.
"I'm going to wait for him downstairs." She stood up and gave her parents a kiss before leaving.

A car pulled up in front of Marinette as she waited for Adrien.
She looked up and saw a white car parked in front of her.
Adrien climbed out and gave her a sweet smile which she returned. He kissed her cheek and hugged her.
"Morning Ocean." She blushed at the nickname and hugged back.
"Morning Emerald." Adrien pulled away and looked at her in confusion.
"Emerald?" Marinette giggled.
"Well you call me by my eye colour so  I thought I would return the gesture." Adrien chuckled and shook his head.
"Okay Ocean anyway climb in." He opened the door for her, she got in and rolled her eyes.
"I could of opened the door myself you know?"
"I know, but I love helping my girlfriend."
"Yeah , yeah whatever. Just get in and drive already."
"See girl I told you he liked you back."
Marinette was at school sitting with her friends and Adrien was with his.
"I know." Marinette smiled as she rolled her eyes.
"But it doesn't matter now. They are together." Alix said.
"And they make a really cute couple." Rose said emphasising 'cute couple.'
"We're happy for you Mari." Myleene said and Jules nodded.
"So you two are a thing now?" Josh asked a little annoyed. Adrien has been speaking about him and Marinette ever since he got there and Josh didn't like it one bit.

Josh was one of Adrien's. They had only recently meant since Josh only joined their school that year and Adrien always looked forward in making new friends. Josh was a kind and honest boy who got irritated easily, but there was something about him no one knew.

"Yeah, what's wrong Josh?" Adrien asked concerned at his friend's tone of voice.
"Everything is peachy." Josh rolled his eyes.
"Don't mind him Adrien." Luka nudged Josh who was sitting next to him.

Luka was Adrien's cousin and best friend. They were always inseparable ever since they were little kids. They liked the same things and mostly had the same tastes. Luka was a blue-black haired boy, who's passion was music. He loved everything about it. Music was his way of relieving all of his emotions.

"But we're happy for you dude. We all knew you liked her by the way you always flirted." Nino exclaimed.

Nino, Adrien's best friend. He and Adrien became friends at the age of 7. Nino was a shy child who always sat alone until one day Adrien decided to go and talk to him. Surprisingly the brown haired boy and the blonde had lots in common. They quickly made friends and from that day on they couldn't go without each other. They were like brothers and still are.

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