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Adrien and Marinette didn't talk to each other the whole day. Marinette was with the girls, while Adrien was with the boys.

"Are you guys fighting?" Nino asked Adrien. As he noticed that they haven't spoken to each other the entire day.

"No." Adrien answered simply.

"Are you avoiding her?"

Shaking his head Adrien answered:"I'm not avoiding her. She wants to spend time with her friends and I'm giving it to her."

"But still. Why you not talking?" Nino asked confused.

"Why are you not with Alya?" Adrien asked annoyed.

"Okay dude I get it. No need to get personal."


"What happened?"

"She wants to spend time with the girls."


"Nothing Nino."

"You sure dude? You seem upset. You know you can talk to me right?"

"I know Nino. It's just something silly. Don't worry about it."

"If you say so."

After school Marinette was still bothered by the fact that she and Adrien haven't spoken. She knew something was bothering him, but didn't know what. She asked his friends but no one knew. Not even Luka and they shared everything.
"Marinette you need to understand sometimes we can't force people to tell us what's bothering them. All we need to do is be there for them and let them know that. They'll come to us when they're ready to talk." Sabine explained later that evening to her teen daughter.

"I know mama, but I feel like it's something to do with me. Like did I hurt him that badly that he doesn't want to talk to me. Or am I the problem?"

"Marinette it could be something personal that he's not ready to share yet. Just because he doesn't want to share the problem doesn't mean that you are the problem."

"I understand mama. Thanks for the talk." Marinette smiled as she hugged her mother.
"I just want to help him." She added.

"I know darling, but give it time."
"I will." Sabin smiled and kissed her daughter on the forehead.
"Goodnight baby."
"Goodnight mama." Marinette smiled as her mum left the room.
"So have you spoken to Marinette yet?" Gabriel asked his son as they were having dinner. Shaking his head Adrien sighed.
"No and I think I made it worse. I yelled at her after she apologised for yesterday. She looked so hurt." Adrien explained as he played with his food.
"I know, I know. I should talk to her and not take my frustrations out on her."
"I wasn't going to say that, but yes that's true. I was going to say that I understand how you feel. The fear of losing someone you love is the worst feeling ever. And how some of us deal with it is different. You're choosing to push everyone away, because you feel when the time comes to say goodbye you already have and that it would hurt less. But trust me it doesn't. Pushing them away or not. When the time comes to go your separate ways it will still hurt. But I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to. I don't want you to keep this all to yourself." Gabriel smiled as he took his son's hand giving it a tight squeeze.
"Thanks dad." Adrien slightly smiled as he squeezed his dad's hand back.

The next day Adrien was planning on telling Marinette everything, but backed out the last minute. He was scared, embarrassed and ashamed about the way he acted and thought she was mad at him. Marinette on the other hand was trying to find way to show Adrien that she's there for him no matter what.

"Trouble in paradise?"
"You could say that."
"What happened?"
"It's my fault. Something is bothering me, but I'm taking it out on her."
"Well shouldn't you apologise?"
"I want to , but I'm ashamed about my actions."
"I could do something on your behalf. That way you don't have to face her, but you'll still be apologising."
"Really? Thanks Josh."
"Anything for my friend." Josh winked as he walked away leaving Adrien hoping Marinette would forgive him. He knew using Josh wasn't the best idea, but it was all he had.

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