A person came with a tray of 2 rings placed on it. Rakshan took the tray and kept it beside them. Rakshan-- Enna rendu perukum okay thane? Sivaangi-- Okay anna. Ashwin-- Okay than da.
Rakshan took the ring from the tray and gave handed it to both of them.
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They're ring^^
உன் விழிகளில் விழுந்த நாட்களில் நான் தொலைந்தது அதுவே போதுமே வேறெதுவும் வேண்டாமே பெண்ணே
Ashwin and Sivaangi held the rings in their hands to slide them on each other's fingers, The whole family, Priya, Mani, Shanthi amma, Kumaran appa, Teju everyone came over to the stage. A bunch of purple rose petals was distributed to the crowd sitting down on the stage.
உன் உயிரினில் கலந்த நாட்களில் நான் கரைந்தது அதுவே போதுமே வேறெதுவும் வேண்டாமே பெண்ணே
Pugazh and Sarath walked behind and came back with some pastel purple garlands for both of them. Sam and Sakthi took them and handed one to Ashwin and one to Sivaangi. Both smiled looking at each other and shared an eye lock for a few seconds.
என் கனவினில் வந்த காதலியே கண் விழிப்பதற்குள்ளே வந்தாயே
Firstly Ashwin was about to put the garland on her, she bent her head a bit he almost took the garland closer to her and brought it back making her cutely pout. He again brought it closer to her and she pulled it and made him put for her.
நான் தேடி தேடி தான் அலஞ்சுட்டேன் என் தேவதைய கண்டு புடிச்சிட்டேன்
It was now sivaangi's turn to turn to put the garland on him, she tried to put the garland raising her hands higher due to his height, but she purposefully went more up on toes making her glare cutely.
நான் முழுசா என்ன தான் குடுத்துட்டேன் அட உன்ன வாங்கிட்டேன்
Ashwin gulped seeing her glare and bent down completely making more easier for her to put the garland, Both of them adjusted their garland and smiled looking at each other. Rakshan handed them the rings, and now it was time to exchange the rings.