Part Seven

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Notes: Written along side Camp_Gravity

They picked up Dolores first after they found her in her mom's room. Then they found Luisa and Antonio in each other's rooms which was a sight you couldn't unsee.

It was a pretty interesting sight to see and Mirabel was glad Bruno was still with her.

Everyone met in dining room, deciding not to bring Abuela into the conversation and let her rest.

"First things first," Camilo was the first to speak. "We shouldn't tell Abuela."

Mirabel nodded. "Agreed. She would totally flip out and blame, well, all of us."

Everyone else nodded.

"That she would," Bruno mumbled quietly.

"So, let's just get everything straightened out here. I have Bruno's gift."

"Which you will not be using."

She pouted and sent him a quick glare before deciding to just ignore the fact. "Bruno has Isabela's gift and she has Dolores's gift."

"Dolores has my gift," Pepa continued, "and it seems like I have Mirabel's lack of gift."

"Antonio obviously has Luisa's gift." Camilo added as he pointed out his brother excitedly lifting up the table underneath it.

"And Luisa has Antonio's gift."

"And so that just leaves mom and Camilo's gift." Mirabel concluded.

At that moment, Agustín took a bite of the pan dulce his wife made for breakfast and to heal his nose. Except, there was no reaction after eating it rather than the fact that it tasted just as good as always.

"Well, I can't shift anymore, so I don't have my gift." Camilo poured everyone a small cup of tea that he had made.

"Well you have to have someone's gift since Tía Pepa already has my lack of a gift." Mirabel noted.

"And I must say," Pepa cut in to add, "I have never been so relieved in my life till now."

"Honestly, it is kinda nice not having my gift," Camilo mumbled to himself as he started to eat his food.

"Amore," Agustín looked over at his wife with tissues shoved in his nose to stop the bleeding while offering his empty plate to her, "It didn't work, lo siento."

She thought. "Drink some tea. Maybe that will work?"

He nodded and took her advice by taking a sip of the tea Camilo had made for everyone. His nose healed up and stopped bleeding. They were red with his blood, but he felt no more come out of his nose.

Mirabel had watched the entire scene and it was clear what had happened. "So this means, Camilo has Julieta's gift."

Camilo paused. "But I can't cook!"

Dolores was comforting Isabela to help her remain calm with the gift she now had until the sudden realization of something very important about today. "!Ai! I have my date with Mariano today!" She pointed out as a thunderous cloud started to loom over her head.

Isabela flinched. "That was loud," she got out between gritted teeth.

"Look what I can do!" Antonio chimed in as he lifted up two chairs in each hand over his head and tossed them up in amazement.

"Antonio! Careful!" Camilo yelled out.

"Um, guys," Luisa cut in, "Petér said that he's hungry." She notified them as she was referring to the small ladybug on  the edge of her finger.

"Who the ever living fvck is Petér?"

"Camilo, language."

"Sorry, Mamá."

"Oh my, I was already nervous enough about the first date but now it's obviously obvious!" Dolores pointed out in a panic as she her emotions only got worse as she heard the thunder boom in the dining room.

Isabela yelped and tried to dig her hands more on her ears to block out the sounds.

Bruno watched the entire scene unfold, getting the feeling that this was some how all his fault. Cacti started growing around the room as he internally panicked.

It was a havoc as people were panicking and the others were trying to calm them. Even the rats tried to comfort everyone, but most pushed them away with disgust.

Mirabel watched the whole scene unfold. She wanted to help but she didn't know how. Even with the grant of a gift now, she still felt as useless as she was with no gift at all.

She didn't know how to use the gift she now possessed and Bruno was clearly not going to tell her. She still wanted to help though, this was her family. First things first was to get the room silenced.

"Everyone listen!" She exclaimed loudly to try to get their attention. Everyone shut up and looked at her. She took a deep breath and started her speech to calm everyone. "I know none of this makes sense, no one knows what's going on! But I do know that it's no one's fault and we won't be able to fix it if we just cause chaos in here like this."

"It's terrifying," Camilo admitted. "Nice to have a bit of a break, but still terrifying."

Mirabel nodded. "I know. But this is just barely the morning of the day and we won't get anything done if we just stay in here complaining about it."

"She's got a point."

"But what are we supposed to do then?" Dolores asked, "I still have to go to my date with Mariano today!"

"You've gotta control your emotions."

Mirabel nodded. "Let's just... try to have a normal day until we find a way to fix all this. If someone needs help on trying to figure out how their gift works, then you should probably ask the original owner for advice."

"Are we still allowed to camp out in our original rooms?"

She thought and shrugged. "I guess if you want to?"


"It'll probably be for the best, so Abuela doesn't catch someone in the wrong room."

"Won't she notice the wrong names on the doors?"

Mirabel thought and let out a huge sigh. "Let's just hope she doesn't."

"I don't really see why she would go near my room," Bruno mumbled to himself.

"We've gotta keep her away. Maybe someone can help keep her busy?"

"Who would be the most unlikely to spill that the gifts are swapped?"

"Maybe Félix y Augustin can help us?"

Félix nodded. "I can do that."

Augustin nodded. "Of course we can."

"Thank you, papá," Camilo said at the same time as his sister.

"Alright now that everything's settled," Mirabel started to conclude their little meeting, "Let's try to have a normal day."

They all nodded and went on with breakfast.

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