Chapter 1 - Sunshine

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I would like to apologize in advance for any English mistakes I may make. I am not native to the language and I ventured into writing in English. I would be very grateful if you can make corrections in the comments, if you want. Thanks!

A few months had passed since Lex's death in a plane crash. His attempt to escape National City after so long of terror was ironically thwarted by fate. He and his mother, Lillian, were on the private plane that crashed and incinerated shortly after takeoff that night. Lex's remains were identified by DNA, but all the others were too badly damaged by the fire to be identified. It would be a Herculean job until the results were reached, if they arrived at them. Lex was dead, without a doubt, Lillian presumably dead, like the jet pilots.

Despite everything she had lived through since she was a little girl, it was a tragedy for Lena, her entire family was now dead, only she left, the last Luthor alive. She spent some time closed in her penthouse, she didn't even go to the company... she solved what was strictly necessary by email, not even the phone she wanted to answer. Lena didn't want to talk to anyone. One of the few times she spoke on the phone was when she called Sam in Metropolis, asking her to come to run the company, as she herself was not in a position to do so, a request that her friend promptly answered. She owed Lena her life, there was nothing her friend asked that she would deny.

Lena's condition worried everyone, including Sam, who followed all the repercussions of the event, even from another city. She tried several times to get in touch with Lena, but she didn't answer her calls. She thought things would get better with time, but Lena remained closed off, unreachable.

Kara also missed Lena a lot. She wanted to see her, comfort her in a hug, be with her in such a difficult time. She tried calling a few times, sometimes Lena didn't answer. She only replied a few times with a text, 'I'll be fine, I just don't want to talk to anyone right now. Thanks for your concern, Kara. It's very important to me'. Kara replied 'I'll always be here for you', and Lena knew it was true, but she really wanted to be alone right now.

On her way back to National City, Sam invited the Danvers sisters to her house for dinner, she needed to talk to her friends, do something about Lena. Lena had been in that state for a long time, alone in her pain, they needed to do something to change that situation.

"Alex, Kara! How nice to see you again! How have you been?" Sam greeted them at the door.

"It's okay here, despite the tragedy that happened to Lena's family. But overall, we're having a very quiet time in the city." Alex replied.

"Yes, we're living life as normal as possible. And you and Ruby, how are you in Metropolis? Too much work?" Kara asked, sitting on the couch.

"A lot! After that, L-Corp is crazy, even more without Lena. I had to leave two directors in charge in Metropolis to come help Lena here in National City. It was one of the few times I got to talk to her. And just because it was her who called me... she had a terrible, desolate voice. I didn't even have a chance to ask how she was, she really didn't want to talk about it."

"I can't even imagine myself in her situation... I think I would go crazy." Alex said.

Kara knew what it was like to lose her entire family, to feel alone. She understood Lena's feelings, but worried that her friend had completely isolated herself. She couldn't help but go by her window a few times, watching from afar, to see if Lena was okay as she took her flights as Supergirl.

"Aunt Alex, Aunt Kara! I missed you!" Ruby came down the stairs with a smile on her face, happy to see her mother's friends and ran to hug them.

"Ruby! I missed you too, so much! And how come you've grown that much? How many years have you moved to Metropolis anyway? Sam, what are you giving this girl?". Alex was really happy to see Ruby.

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