Chapter 3 - You Can Only See Well With Your Heart

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Kara started walking towards where Lena was. With every step her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her mouth, it was beating so fast that she thought anyone at the party could hear it, even without super hearing. The closer she got to Lena, the more her heart beat faster. She took a deep breath in an attempt to control the tachycardia. She couldn't talk to Lena being out of control like that.

Kara came close to Lena and touched her back, exposed by that dress that left her back bare. The touch in Lena's skin made her feel a shiver like she hadn't felt before. She had hugged Lena so many times, but now it was different. Alex's words really changed something inside her.

Lena saw Kara approach and lightly touch her back. A soft, warm, delicate touch. Lena particularly liked when Kara touched her skin, it was something different, as if a wave of heat took over her entire body.

"Kara, I was already missing you."

Kara smiled at Lena's words. She felt the same as Lena, wanted to be close, to talk to her, to have been with her all day. She came closer and could smell her parfum, so familiar. She spoke next to Lena's ear:

"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure." And watching Kara's tense gaze, she understood that this was something important. "Is everything okay? Did something happen?"

"Actually, yes... but it's nothing bad, I guess. Can we talk alone? In my apartment?"

Lena nodded and excused her friends, leaving with Kara toward the door that led to the stairs. As they passed Alex, Kara looked at her and took a deep breath, as if asking her sister for strength and support. Alex just gave her a wink and a nod, and Kara understood in that silent communication that Alex was there for her, supporting her and giving her all the strength she needed to open her heart to Lena in every way possible.

Kara opened the door and asked Lena to come in. She asked if Lena wanted some water and asked her to sit on the couch.

"Kara, you're making me apprehensive. Says you want to talk alone, offers me water and asks me to sit down... I'm getting nervous."

Kara sat down next to Lena on the couch, took Lena's hands between hers and gave her her best appeasing smile. She looked into Lena's green eyes and it magically soothed her a little.

"Calm down Lena... no need to be nervous. It's okay. I just wanted some privacy to talk to you because what I have to tell you is very important. In fact, they are two very important things."

Lena took a deep breath, calming down, and waiting for what Kara had so important to tell her. She didn't know that what Kara would say would change her life forever.

"Before I start, I wanted to ask you to let me talk everything, without stopping. The moment I start talking, I want you to just listen to me... I'm afraid I won't be able to say everything if it's not all at once."

Lena nodded, encouraging Kara to say whatever she wanted.

"So..." she took a deep breath with her eyes closed a few times before starting. "I was talking to Alex just now, you saw. And it was a very enlightening conversation for me... it opened my eyes, it gave me the courage to do what I'm doing now."

Lena just watched Kara, her blue eyes as bright as blue diamonds. Were they always like this or was she only now realizing it, now this close?

Kara then started to speak. "Being separated from you during these months was very difficult for me. I wanted to respect your decision to have your time alone, your grief, but what I wanted most was to be by your side at that moment. My heart was hurt to know that you were so sad. Sam's idea of us going to your apartment didn't seem so good to me at first, but when I got there, when I saw you and I was able to hug you... I know it may sound selfish what I'm going to say, but it was a breath for my soul, to be able to be there next to you again."

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