Chapter 7 - A Heart of Steel Can Also Breaks

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Alex opened the door to Kara's apartment, balancing some packages. She brought Chinese food, which Kara liked so much. Kara was lying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, watching television without even paying attention to what was going on.

"Are you really watching a horse auction?" Alex asked.

"I didn't even notice..."

"I brought you all the food you like, you haven't been eating right. Or do you really think I haven't noticed?"

"Oh... I'm not hungry. But thanks, Alex."

"If you're not hungry I already know something is VERY wrong. What happened Kara? You've been kind of sad since recovering from the incident with Lillian."

Kara got up on the couch, sitting in one of the corners, making room for Alex to join her.

"Alex, did something happen while I was sleeping? With Lena?"

"Aside from her moving into the DEO? She didn't leave your side at all, even when I sent her home to rest... she really likes you Kara."

"She's so distant, I miss her so much."

"She must be having a lot of work, she hasn't taken her feet off the side of your bed all week. It should be that."

"But I think she's avoiding me... is it all in my head? Did I say or do something wrong?"

"Kara, you were sleeping, how could you have said or done anything? This situation was quite traumatic for her too. She feels guilty that Lillian has attempted on your life again. Maybe she's ashamed of what happened, that her family keeps doing it against you, I don't know... haven't you been talking to her?"

"In the last few days I called her, said I wanted to see her, that I missed her... and she just said that she had a lot of meetings scheduled, that she wasn't in the office, that she would need to spend a few days out of town, that she would call me later... but she never did."

"That's what I said, she must have a lot of work."

"But it was never like that, Alex... even with work, with travel, she was never evasive with me on the phone, she never failed to return my calls or answer my messages. Not even when she exiled herself from the world was it like this. She was very attentive. And now she's so distant... I thought we were getting along, you know?"

"Have you tried talking about it with her?"

"How, if she's avoiding me? I even stopped insisting a little, maybe she doesn't really want to see me, she saw that she was wrong, that she doesn't like me that way, that I'm a burden... and I can't do that, force some situation."

"She said she would need to leave town for a few days, so wait for her to come back, see if she looks for you. Otherwise you'll go after her, this situation can't stay like this, indefinitely. And I highly doubt she's tired of you. I saw her suffering day and night while you were sleeping, I saw her despair when Lillian shot you. She worked a miracle in the short time to calibrate the device that took the kryptonite out of your blood. She cried every day... She spent the whole night lying next to you. If that's not love, Kara, I don't know what it is."

"So why is she doing this to me? I'm so sad Alex... and the sadness is even greater because we were fine, we were getting closer and closer... It was so good to be with her and suddenly she deprives her of her company like that... and apparently for no reason. I don't know what to think... The higher the flight, the greater the fall, isn't that it?"

The sadness in Kara's eyes squeezed Alex's heart, and she sat closer, putting her arm around her sister's shoulders to comfort her. Kara leaned her head on Alex's shoulder, fragile and desolate.

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