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-"Long story

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"Long story."

Kate and Ophelia followed Armand down a hallway, keeping behind him by quite a lot so he didn't notice. They passed through the kitchen.

"Gary wants you to bring these down, right away." A woman told a waiter.

"Just these two?" He asked.

"These two." She confirmed and Kate grabbed a platter of the tiny food, following. Ophelia didn't fit in at all as a waitress so she pretended to be on her way to whenever Armand was going. Luckily, the bouncer let them in.

The room was filled with many rich people and hundreds of bottles of wine in wine racks. Kate and Ophelia peaked through the racks and saw Jack walk in, going to sit by Armand.

"This seat is taken." Armand stated but Hakc ignored him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated, and we will begin." The auctioneer spoke up.

"I've reached my breaking point with your fiancé." Armand told Jack. "Things are about to get very ugly."

"Why don't we leave Eleanor alone, you old goat." Jack shot back.

"For our first item of the evening, we will be travelling back in time. We'll start the bidding for this magnificent skill at $2,000,000. Do I hear $2,000,000?" He then started rambling quickly as people put their hands up the accept the offer.

"Excuse me?" A waiter asked Kate and her eyes stayed on Armand while Ophelia kept her eyes on the bidding, still listening. "Hey, excuse me!"

"Oh, perfect!" Kate hummed, taking the champagne tray from him.


"Great." Kate smiled.

"I thought I was supposed to the the only one working here." The waiter mumbled.

"Gary? Gary sent me to work here." Kate informed him. "So maybe if you wanna bother Gary... You're doing great. Okay."

"Surprisingly smooth, ma chérie." Ophelia whispered.

"Thank you." Kate whispered back, the pair looking ahead through the wine racks.

"Who told you to come down here?" A man asked Kate suddenly.

"Gary." Kate stated.

"I'm Gary." Gary deadpanned. "What's your name?"

"You see that's the problem, Gary, you don't even know my name." Kate faked a voice that sounded as if she would cry and Ophelia forced back a grin. "You know, uh, this is- this is not gonna work out. I quit."

"You can't quit. Hold on." Gary ordered but Kate was already speeding away, Ophelia pretending to walk into the bidding area and then she slinked round the corner to Kate. "Where did she go? Excuse me."

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