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"Where's your arrows now?"

"Pew, pew."

Ophelia sighed, fed up of bobbing up and down on the horse ride she was on. Kate was looking down while Clint just stared around in annoyance.

"Big, strong Hawkeye riding pony."

"They should smile more. This is fun for us too, you know."

They slowed down and Kate breathed out on relief, Ophelia adjusting her seating as she spoke, "I've got a numb bum, now."

"Again, come on."

"Great." Kate mumbled, sarcastically.

"Go get three more quarters."

"Yes." Clint spoke up.

"This is boring. Dmitri, let's play cards." Thomas mused, wheeling away on his rolly chair.

"Seems like you're mad at us." Kate muttered to Clint. "Look, I know it doesn't look that good right now, but you'd be lost without us, you realise that?"

"I was about to clear your name from the suit, until you decided yo crash through the skylight. You're lucky they don't know you're name yet." Clint told Ophelia who hummed, nodding and Kate mumbled an 'Oh'. "Yeah."

A man kicked something and things clattered, the trio looking over at the man who was angrily speaking Polish into his phone.

"Bro!" Thomas exclaimed, standing up, holding his arms out.

"You good?" Kate asked the angry man and he glanced to his co-workers before walking over to Kate.

"I buy Imagine Dragon tickets for my girlfriend, as, like, early Christmas gift, right?" He started and Ophelia grimaced.

"That's so sweet." Kate nodded.

"Good, sweet." He agreed. "Then we had fight. You know what she said? She said that the tickets were gift, so she wants to bring her sister."

"I mean, look on the bright side." Kate started. "You don't have to go see Imagine Dragons."

"Yeah, I'd be thanking her." Ophelia spoke up in agreement with Kate and he looked between the couple.

"I love Imagine Dragons." He stated. "Uh, she doesn't even like them, you know. She did this on purpose to hurt me."

"If she don't like 'em, why get them for her?" Ophelia asked and he shrugged at her.

"Look, I think you both owe apologies." Kate said and Clint leant his face on the unicorn's head. "Tell her she hurt your feelings, but apologise for pretending that that was a gift for her."

"Okay, wait, I need a pen. Just... Okay, okay? See you." The man nodded, walking away.

"Hm. See? A little trust, a little communicating, a little listening..." Kate trailed off.

Arrows | Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now