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Clint, Kate and Ophelia walked together to the party, Ophelia's and Kate's hands held together tightly. Kate was in a long-sleeved full-lengthened black, sparkly dress with her hair up, small pieces framing her face. Clint was in a black and white suit with a bow-tie. Ophelia's was like Kate's but it was navy blue.

They walked inside and stopped at a table, Kate looking around, "I don't see my mum yet."

"Why don't you tell me what you do see?" Clint questioned. "What are our assets, what are our threats?"

"Hm. Threats? That guy." Kate looked towards a man and Ophelia smiled to herself. "That's Gary. He fired me from one of the only jobs I ever had."

"Assets? Well, we have those all over the party." Ophelia smirked, meaning the LARPers around the party disguised as waiters.

"Wow. Jack's out of jail already. Nothing phases that guy." Kate mumbled.

"So Jack working a sword, just out of jail for allegedly murdering somebody with one." Clint mused.

"Maybe it's his way of proving that he really is innocent?" Kate offered.

"It's a weird flex, but sure." Clint agreed.

"Why, Jack. I thought you were in jail." Armand 7th said.

"I was, until your father bailed me out." Jack told him.

"Mum said I was gonna get your wine collection." Armand said.

Jack laughed, "What? You're not old enough to appreciate my wine collection."

"Well, I will be someday." Armand shot back.

"The problem is it will have peaked by then." Jack smiled.

"Not if you go back to jail, it won't." Armand stated.

"Do you remember when you peed in your pants in The Haptons?" Jack started. "I do. Everybody's does."

"Take these." Clint ordered, handing the pair an earpiece. "Stay on coms, okay?"

"Okay." The couple nodded.

"I'm gonna take a lap." Clint muttered and the two placed the earpieces in.

Yelena walked in, denying the offer for her coat to be taken, her chin held high with confidence. Her coat was green and her blonde locks were plaited in a large one going down her head.

"Do you see her?" Clint asked.

"No, I haven't seen her yet." Kate answered. "Phelia?"

"Neither." Ophelia murmured, sipping a drink she got from a tray.

"I found her." Kate said after a moment.

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