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"Alright, partners, let's get into it." Kate started, walking between Clint and Ophelia. "You pick up on any tension between Maya and the hot guy who spoke sign language, or was it just me?"

"His name's Kazi." Clint told her.

"Alright, so I take it these Tracksuit guys are into some pretty bad stuff." Kate mused, swinging hers and Ophelia's linked hands.

"Yeah, bad stuff." Clint chuckled.

"You, uh, you care to elaborate?" Kate questioned.

"Not really." Clint denied.

"Helpful." Ophelia muttered sarcastically.

"They started small, but grew." Clint began to explain. "Or at least the guy at the top, he'll do anything to grow the operation."

"I thought Maya was the boss." Kate mumbled.

"No, there's someone above Maya. Someone you don't wanna mess with." Clint added.

"There's obviously bad blood with Ronin, right?" Kate asked.

"Yeah. Ronin hit the supplier on the other side and then hit Tracksuit upper management." Clint nodded.

"Sounds like a lot of drama." Kate mused. "Which is why you should never get involved in organised crime."

"Boring." Ophelia blew a raspberry down at the dog who barked in agreement with her.


"Do you think that the Tracksuits were after anything else at that auction?" Clint questioned as they all sat in a taxi.

"I don't know. I was pretty focused on Jack and Armand." Kate answered while Ophelia was trying to remember what had happened in the auction.

"It's pretty upsetting to think there might be stuff from the Avengers Compound floating around out there." Clint muttered. "So, you still think Jack is involved somehow?"

"Yes. There's too many coincidences." Kate said definitively. "He was at the auction that night, and yesterday, he offered me a butterscotch."

"He wasn't exactly doing it in a white van, though." Ophelia murmured under her breath.

"Not exactly a crime." Clint said, glancing at the pair.

"And when I tried to stab him in the face to prove he was lying, he parried like a pro." Kate continued.

"Most likely didn't wanna get stabbed in the face, darling." Ophelia whispered.

"You tried to stab your mums fiancé in the face?" Clint questioned.

"Plus, he has everything to gain from Armand's death." Kate carried on.

"The Jack thing, it's weird. I get it, but it's not exactly airtight." Clint disagreed.

"Right. Which is why we need more evidence." Kate agreed. "And why we're gonna sneak into my mum's penthouse."

"Wait, wait, wait, what?" Clint asked.

"We can get into her company's files. Bishop Security has a huge criminal data base. There's gotta be info on the Tracksuits and Jack in there." Kate smiled.

"Yeah." Clint nodded before shaking his head lightly.


"You're sure no one's home, right?" Clint quizzed as he, Ophelia and Kate walked out of the lift with the dog into Eleanor's penthouse.

"Yes. Relax." Kate ordered.

"Jeez, this is a home?" Clint asked, looking around.

"Yeah. My, uh, great, great, great, great grandfather built the building." Kate explained. "I tried to swing from that very chandelier and broke my arm. So, uh, yeah, pretty impressive family all the way around."

"Wow. Impressive." Clint muttered.

"Is it bad I kinda wanna try swinging off it now?" Ophelia whispered to Clint.

"Yes." He responded immediately.

"You're boring, too. C'mere." She cooed to the dog who bounded over to her happily.

"So, from he home network, we should be able to get past the encryption with my mum's password." Kate mumbled, typing on the computer.

"Yeah, I'm in the wrong business." Clint mused, looking around the place. "How's you say Armand was killed?"

"Stabbed with a sword." Kate answered.

"See if there's anything on Kazi." Clint ordered as he and Ophelia walked up to Kate.

"Okay. Let's see." Kate whispered, typing in his name. "Here we go. Okay, what's this company, Sloan Limited? Kazi is an employee?"

"Wait, Sloan Limited, that sounds familiar." Clint spoke up.

"You think there's something there?" Kate asked.

"I don't know." Clint responded. "Maybe."

"Let me see what I can pull up on Jack." Kate said as Clint walked away. "Crap. Now there's an embedded hardware authentication. And I've just been locked out."

"Clint?" Ophelia questioned, her and Kate turning when they noticed he'd gone. Ophelia then heard a noise and realised what he was doing.

"Don't move." The ex-Widow heard Jack say lowly after the swishing of a sword.


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