Chapter 12

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(Dusk Till Dawn By Zayn And Sia)

Daytona's Pov

I smiled as I looked up at the ceiling of the hospital room. It's been a week. Everyone has come by and seen me. Well not everyone. The one person that I have been waiting for, wanting to see, hasn't been here.

I don't understand why he was so intriguing to me. He had my mind captivated. Like I was locked away, pulled into a trance of some sorts.

On a happier note. I started physical therapy! I can walk on my own. Sometimes I need a little bit of help, but I can get to the bathroom and back into my bed without any problems. One of the goals I had for this week was to be able to walk on my own. Now I'm happy that I can.

There were three soft knocks that sounded out on my hospital door. The number three holds such significance and I have no idea why. I feel like something is screaming in my face to open my eyes, but I can't.

I feel like my eyes are being forced shut. I'm being forced into the darkness of not knowing a single thing.

"Come in..." I called out softly, masking my face with a smile.

The door stayed closed, and I started to think that the person left, but it opened. Once it opened, all of my worries washed away. It was confusing. It was really confusing how I could be so upset and one person I have no memory of could fix it all.

"Hello." He said softly as he sat down next to me on the chair.

I moved closer to him. He felt like an emotion that I just can't quite put into words. He felt like warmth, the friendliness was there. He looked hurt, but it didn't matter how hurt he looked, he still showed kindness to me.

"Hello mystery man." I smiled at him, and he chuckled.

The breath I was taking was ripped right from me when he laughed. I've never heard something quite as magical as that. It seemed anything didn't matter anymore. It was just him and I, living in this moment. No words needed to be spoken, the silence was comforting.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, cutting my thoughts short.

"Good! I can get up on my own now. I start therapy tomorrow, I started physical therapy a week ago. I'm doing great, I honestly can't wait to get out of here though. I'm tired of being in this room, and I've only been in it for a week- Sorry I'm rambling." I quieted down.

One thing that has happened that nobody understood why I did it now, I talked my fuckign head off. I couldn't stop. It was like, my mind has been asleep for so many years and I just can't keep track of all of my thoughts. Everything was like a puzzle now.

"One thing I wish you remembered is that I don't care when you ramble. I like hearing you talk." His accent was thick, and it sent shivers down my spine.

The butterflies- the entre fucking zoo was in my stomach.

"I like your necklace." I sat up and went towards him.

He flinched back and I stayed still, not wanting to scare him.

"Sorry." He muttered before he came closer to me.

I smiled and picked up my hand before grabbing the small wrench softly. It was pretty, I don't know how he had found something so perfect. It looks old though, but that added to its character charts.
I smiled at him before letting go of the necklace and leaning back into the bed.

"It's pretty." I said, with a smile still on my face.

"It's very pretty. But the meaning behind it is even better." He moved the chair closer to the bed and I sat back up.

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