Chapter 13

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(Dancing In The Dark By Rihanna)

Daytona's Pov

"Wilbur!" I laughed as he pretended to punch me.

I pretended to hit him back and his back hit the wall of the hospital wall. We are currently standing in front of the window again. It's been a week. I started therapy, and I started remembering some things.

Not a lot though, not as much as I want to, but enough...

Doctor Oliver said it would take time, that these things don't come easy sometimes. As frustrated as I was, I understood.

Wilbur has come over to the hospital every day. Some days he would just sit there and talk, I would talk, we would walk around, or he would stay with me while I slept.

It was nice, I had something to look forward to. He was something I always looked forward to.

I stared off into the night sky of Brighton. It was peaceful, it was nice. Something was holding me back, and I could tell something was holding him back. Without my memories this has been one of the best weeks of my life.

That's probably shitty to say, but it's the truth.

I ran my fingers through my hair the best I could, which was not well because of the IV. He walked over and combed through my hair with his fingers. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath.

Was it bad to say, I wanted to stay in this moment. I didn't need to know him to know that I wanted to stay in this moment. Sure we all have baggage, and we all are hurt in some way, but this moment, with him, is just too perfect.

Everything about him is just too perfect. Too good to be true. He spun me around, making sure to do it carefully because of the stupid IV in my arm. I wish I could take that out, but my sugar levels keep dropping. I haven't really gotten my appetite back, but I've been trying.

I laughed as I faced him. The moon lit up his face, his eyes were chocolate brown, and they shined every second I looked into them.

Every single time I looked into his eyes that strange emotion hit me like a truck. My stomach flooded with butterflies again, and my entire body would feel fuzzy.

He held one of my hands, the ther sitting on my lower back. My hand went up to his shoulder and we danced. We danced in the middle of a hospital hallway and I have to say, I wouldn't want to dance in the middle of a hospital hallway with anyone else. The smile stayed on my face.

I have never felt a feeling as strong as this one. He hasn't told me much about our past together, I feel like it scares him. And I don't want to ask, because that scares me.

I am perfectly fine knowing nothing about our past if this is the outcome. If this is how our life together is, or was, I am fine with not knowing. Sire there are memories i probably would want to have, or maybe i would want to forget them all.

I have no idea, but all I do know is that this is it for me.

I never thought I could be okay again after my mothers passing. Waking up from that coma was cold water getting splashed on me. Opening my eyes to a whole new life. Some memories people told me about, I wanted to know about.

But when I was with him, all I wanted to do was create new ones.

"We've gotta get you back to your room." He spoke quietly.

You could tell that he didn't want to leave at this moment either. I held onto him, trying to not move, or leave. But he got out of my embrace and helped me back to my room. I huffed as I laid back on my bed. The fresh daisies stared at me, as I sat there in silence.

His phone started ringing after he sat down next to me, which caused him to take it out of his pocket and answer it.

"Hello?" He spoke in a harsh tone, on accident.

He always did that when he got a call while he was with me. I had no idea why, but my mind kept telling me that it was because he wanted to spend time with me without being bothered.

"Yes Skylar. Skylar- i said i would be back around one. It's twelve." He rambled on the phone.

A loud laugh could be heard on the other side of the phone and a new emotion hit me. Jealousy. I had no right to be jealous of someone I didn't know. And I had no right to be jealous when I barely knew him.

"Skylar please get out of mother mode. I am fine. I am going to be on my way soon-"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm all the emotions I was feeling at this very moment because there were so many.

"Skylar, go hang out with Selina and Nora, or something. I'm busy at the moment. Please don't burn down my flat though."

The phone disconnected and he laughed.

"The little fucker hung up." He muttered before texting her a bunch of middle finger emojis.

"Seems like a lovely woman." I mumbled, with a smile on my face covering my discomfort.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he noticed my mood change.

Why do things seem to be holding so much meaning lately. The three knocks, dancing in the dark, and now a simple 'Are you alright?'

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I weakly smiled at him.

"I can go if you would like-"

I stayed quiet as he began to ramble on about how bad he felt for keeping me awake.

"No- It's not a problem, Will. Can I call you that?"

He froze. Like stopped moving, stopped talking. Maybe he even stopped breathing.

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- Did i do something wrong?" I was now the one rambling.

He stood up and stood still looking at me.

"You did nothing wrong. I need to get back to my flat now- I'll be back- Tomo- soon. I'll be back soon."

And with that, he quickly left the hospital room. I was left alone with my thoughts once again, and it stung. I have no idea what I did that set him off that quickly. We were doing so good. Or at least I thought we were.

"Medication Time!" Angel walked into my room, a bright smile like always.

"Oh- Wilbur isn't here?" She asked, walking over to me after washing her hands.

"No, he had to get home."

Saying the word home left another sour taste on my tongue. It felt horrible in that sentence.

"Darn, he normally keeps you company while you do this." She handed me the pills I needed to take and got my breathing treatment ready.

One of the medicines I couldn't keep down, so I had to take breathing treatments to get it into my body. Recovery was difficult, but I knew that I would be happy in the end.

Or at least I hoped I would be happy in the end.

1230 Words

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