Chapter 23

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(I Love It By Icona Pop And Charlie XCX)

Daytona's Pov

"Dylan, maybe we should think about this." Wilbur tried to reason as I smiled, sitting on the motorcycle.

Dad got back yesterday, but I was still staying with Will. I wanted to spend time with him since I had just found out everything. Dad was fine with that because he was working on something.

I had no idea what he was doing, but he said it was for me.

I was currently sitting on Liana's motorcycle, apparently it was mine. It was a nice matte black Triumph Bonneville T120.

"Will, relax." I said, as my dad held my arm.

"She's not driving-" Dad tried to argue back.

"Yet! Knowing you both, she will be!"

"She'll be fine." Max sat down on the toolbox next to Liana and watched us.

"Dylan i would like it if-"

"She's doing this! She can stop when she wants."

I twisted the handles, god this was exhilarating. I wasn't even driving, and I already knew why I loved this so much. I was feeling so much adrenaline already.

"Now we turn it on." Dad smiled and I smiled back.

"See! This is what im talking about-"

"She used to race, Will. What's the worst that could happen? Her instincts are still there. Watch." Dad let go of me and the bike started to roll.

I hit the brake and dropped the kickstand down quickly, bringing me to a halt.

"See. I didnt even teach her how to do that."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't terrify me."

"I get that, but she has to learn somehow."

Wilbur sat down on the floor next to Max and Liana. He waved his hand to dad to continue and I smiled. He let out a breath and looked at me, eyes full of concern. I nodded at him and he nodded back.

"Stop speaking to each other from your minds." Max muttered with a smile on his face and Liana elbowed him.

"Leave them alone." She sassed back and he rolled his eyes.

Dad handed me the keys and kicked the kickstand up. I turned the key and listened to the rumble of the bike as it came alive.

"I may or may not have upgraded a couple of things..." Liana trailed off as we heard the rumble get louder while giving it some gas.

I felt my hands start to shake, but I kept it under control. I wanted to drive. What if I just started driving?

I lifted my legs up and hit the gas a little, staying in first gear. I drove in a circle in the driveway and stopped in front of Dad. What if i just take off down the street?

Will I give everyone a hard attack? Yes, probably. It's almost as if Dad could hear my thoughts because he handed me a helmet and gloves.

"Dylan, mate, what are you doing!" Will stood up and Liana stood in front of him with her arms crossed.

"Nope!" Liana then pushed him back and he sat on the toolbox next to Max.

"Do you mind if she takes this for a spin?" Dad asked Liana and she smiled widely.

"Not at all! Go for it." She encouraged.

Dad got his bike from the garage and put on his helmet, and gloves. I smiled widely and Will seemed to calm down.

"We will be back." Dad said, sitting on his bike. I put on the gloves then the helmet before flipping the visor down.

"Can you hear me?" I heard Dad through the helmet call system.

"Loud and clear." I responded and I could hear him chuckle.

"Follow me." He turned around and I nodded my head.

"Yeah Day!" Max cheered as we started driving.

I laughed as we started driving. We started slow, this was easy. God, how did I do this everyday? This is so cool. I picked up speed as the light turned green, weaving in and out of traffic.

"You're a lot better at this than I thought you would be."

"How nice, Dad." I rolled my eyes as he turned onto a highway.

"Start off at your own pace. Don't push yourself."

"What's the speed limit here?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Sixty. The roads back there were twenty."

"Think you can keep up?" I smiled before taking off ahead of him.

"You're my daughter, of course I can." He mumbled, weaving through traffic trying to keep up.

This was so free. I felt so free. I needed this. I needed whatever the hell this feeling is. I don't think it's just the adrenaline anymore.

The lights quickly zimmed by as we drove. Cars are going slowly around us. The world felt like it had stopped. I truly wish it had.

"Shit." Dad cursed and I laughed. I looked in the mirrors and saw blue flashing lights.

"Shit." I then spoke and he laughed.

We both pulled over and I groaned as I flipped the visor up.

"How did I know something like this was going to happen?" Dad laughed as I hit the kickstand down.

"Do you know how fast you two were going?" The officer stepped out of his car and we sheepishly smiled.

"Above the speed limit. Apologies sir." I sheepishly smiled and he looked at my father.

"Rude." I mumbled, and sat back down on my bike.

I took out my phone and opened my messages with Liana. I started texting her about what was happening and she was laughing. My dad was looking at me funny when I mouthed 'I want to leave.'

"You two slow it down. Take it as a warning." The police officer got into the car and we both took off again.

"That was not good." Dad spoke through the mic.

I laughed as we started heading back to the house. The sun was starting to set and I felt my body start to crash from adrenaline. We pulled into the driveway and everyone jumped up when we put the kickstands down.

Will ran to me and embraced me. I took off my helmet and gloves before giving them to my dad.

"Thank you for coming back in one piece." He kissed my head and I smiled.

"I told you that I would be fine. The only problem we had was with the police." I mumbled into his chest and he chuckled.

"I heard about that. What was that about?" Max asked, taking the bike from me and rolling them back to the garage.

We walked inside and sat down. I sat next to Will and he put his arm around me. I grabbed his hand and started messing with the anxiety ring on his finger. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

"I missed this." He mumbled with a smile on his face.

"Something tells me I missed this too." I moved closer and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beats.

1172 Words

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