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             ISABELLE CLOSED THE FRONT DOOR quietly, taking the earbuds out her ear and pulling the phone out of her pocket. She sighed when she noticed she had many messages from her dad. He would always text her telling her how much of a failure she was and to kill herself. This was because he was a bad drunk and lost custody of isabelle, meaning he could no longer abuse her.

Isabelle ignored the messages and walked up the steps to her room, shutting her door gently and flicking on her lights. She shrugged of her jacket and took of her shoes, practically running to her bed and collapsing on it. She stared at the ceiling, her thoughts consuming her once again. Back at her old home she was so shy she wouldn't even talk to her teacher... now she felt felt like she could talk up a storm.

That was if anyone was willing to listen, the only person in her town that was her age already found her annoying. Maybe it wasn't ash it was her, god why couldn't she stop fucking thinking about him they just met and he doesn't even fucking like her. Isabelle groaned, rolling over to the side of her bed that had her suitcase at the edge, she dug into the pocket to get the only think that stopped her over thinking.

                               • • •

"YO. ITS YOU AGAIN. DID ASH GIVE you some broken shit? He does that with people he doesn't like." Fezco told, he was talking to the four-foot kid that walked back inside his shop after leaving less than hour ago.

Isabelle smiled at fezco shaking her head. Inside of her pocket was a mp3 player of her playlists, including space song. She didn't know why... but she wanted to give it to Ash. He was a kid like her who forced to grow up because of his childhood and trauma so she knew how lonely he must feel... or maybe she was wrong, maybe he was a rude, nonchalant thirteen-years old drug dealer. Either way, at this shop was better than getting assaulted with make-up by maddy.

"No actually I wanted to give ash something... if that's ok?" Isabelle asked, anxiously biting on the side of her cheek. Fezco was taken back by her question, no one ever asked to see Ash or even went as far a giving him something. Fezco knew his brother was really anti-social and sometimes rude but it was nice to think he was making a friend, it reminded him that ash was still a kid.

"Sure... I mean i'm not exactly sure that ash would like it... or you." Fezco consented, his eyes narrowing around awkwardly. Isabelle snickered, remembering how annoyed ash was when she was around, he definitely wasn't gonna like her. "Yeah i'm sure he's not but it's worth a try... thanks fezco." Isabelle dismissed, walking away from the ginger and toward the familiar back door. "No problem kid." Fezco mumbled, continuing back counting his money.

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