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"GET THE FUCK OFF ME." Isabelle muffled, gasping for air as the curly-head adult grabbed her by her throat, pushing her inside the apartment. "The fuck is you doing here?" Another male asked rue who didn't respond. Isabelle was thrown towards ash, he cringed at the impact the thirteen-year-old head had with the brick wall. Fezco turned to rue and then to Ash and Isabelle with a look telling them not to say anything.

Isabelle groaned, picking herself up off the ground and standing beside ash who was glancing at her, worry glossing in his eyes. "I'm fine." Isabelle mumbled, removing her hair from her eyes and leaning against the wall. A muscular male began to walk around the room, taking a good look at everyone. Rue and faye looked scared as hell but Fezco, Ash and isabelle were used to scary-looking drug-dealers so they just stared directly back.

"Mitch, don't fucking hesitate." The male told before grabbing fayes boyfriend by the face and slamming him against the wall. "You come to my mother fucking house, with a fucking thirteen-year-old, two junkie whores, a mother fucker I don't know and Bosses fucking daughter!" He shouted, tightening his hold on the other boys face.

Isabelle sighed at the mention of her father, of course he knew these mother-fuckers. "You know em?" Ash asked, his voice in a whisper so the others couldn't here. Isabelle turned to him, shaking her head. "I'm on fucking probation." The male informed, walking up to rue who was freaking out. "Me too." Another added.

"We are not involved with with any illegal activity." The male told, he was face to face with faye who was taller than him by an inch. The male then walked up to Isabelle, leaning down a bit so he could face her. "Especially not with a santo." He spat. Isabelle clenched her jaw, she never wanted anything to do with her family's gang but somehow it always came back to her.

"I'm not a santo." Isabelle rasped, kicking her knee up so it hit the drug-dealer in his balls. Fezco, rue, faye and ash eyes all widened at her when the males working for him shot up, pointing their gun at the brunette who fought off a smile. "Don't fucking touch her." The male on the ground wheezed, holding his private-part in pain as he struggled to get up. Isabelle knew that if any of them hurt her in anyway, her dad would kill them.

"Brucy." A female voice called making the male on the ground stand up, death glaring isabelle who gave him a toothy smile. He fought the urge to punch her and walked away. Isabelle turned her head to the lady who was whispering something in bruceys ear. He nodded his head and walked back towards them. Bruce clicked on the radio before standing in the middle of everyone.

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