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short chapter, sorry!

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short chapter, sorry!



              EMPTINESS, THAT ALL ISABELLE FELT WHEN SHE learned that her dad was in town. She physically couldn't cry anymore, it took up to much energy, energy she couldn't find. She was now walking home with a hood over her head so no one would see her, who knows how many people in this town knew her dad. The Perez-girl just wanted to go home, she wanted to see her mom again.

A bright flashing headlight caught the attention of the thirteen-year-old. It wasn't surprising seeing she was walking in the middle of the road with hopes that someone could "accidentally" run her over. Isabelle looked over to her side only to see the truck that belonged to Nate Jacobs, slowing down right beside her. "Find some other girl to assault, i'm not in the mood." Isabelle warned, using her sleeves to wipe the old tears stain on her cheek.

"Yeah, I gathered that but I don't really care about your daddy issues." Nate spoke from the drivers seat. Isabelle head snapped to him, stopping in her tracks and squinting her eyes. Nate could see from her state that she was confused how he knew about her family issues. "Oh, right. Maddy told me everything." Nate cleared up with a chuckle, but Isabelle didn't find anything amusing about the conversation they were having.

"Yeah cause you could talk, your daddy issues made you a abusive- stuck in the closet piece of shit." Isabelle rasped, bawling her hand that were inside her pockets. Nate eyes faltered with anger, his jaw tightening as he let go of the steering wheel. "You perez-girls always have the bitchest attitudes." Nate laughed, his hand moving inside the car so isabelle could no longer see what he was doing. She grew suspicious when nate kept moving around, trying not to break contact with the young-girl.

"Hmm, and you Jacobs-boys always fucking boys, but hey, I personally love the lgbtq" Isabelle snapped back, and that's when she finally realized what nate was doing all along. His hand flew up to her, and inside was a silver-gun pointer directly at her head. Isabelle didn't flinch once which made nate more terrified that he originally was but he wasn't gonna show it. "You know, for someone who knows my past you should know it's gonna take more that a unload ed gun to scare me off." Isabelle taunted, tilting her head to the side at the Jacobs-boy who smirked.

Nate removed his other hand from the gun and reached into the side door, pulling out bullets and entering them inside the weapon. "Good thing I wasn't trying to scare you off, I need you as leverage for your cousin." Nate announced, the smirk on his face dropping when isabelle stepped closer to him, the gun so close to her head that it was pressing against her. Isabelle eyes showed nothing, she was void in this moment. "What are you waiting for nate, do it. Kidnap me, Abuse me, Kill me. Because we both know you're capable of doing it." Isabelle dared, stepping even closer to nate who looked stunned by her response.

"Do it!" Isabelle shouted, tears glossing in her eyes. She wanted out of the fucked-up world, even if Nate Jacobs was gonna be the one to do it, she just wanted to die. Nate stared at the thirteen-year old, he never met anyone that eager to die, so he put her out her misery. Isabelle shut her eyes when she heard the trigger about to be pulled, See you soon Mom. A loud- ear triggering bullet echoed through her ears, she felt shatteres of glass fall onto her face, but no blood was dripping from her head and she could still breathe. Isabelle opened her eyes when she heard an all too familiar voice say

"What did I tell you about hanging out with psycho white guys?"

Isabelle eyes widened, she instantly turned her head and chocked on a sob when she saw him, the only family member who actually loved her after her mom died. "Uncle César?" Isabelle whispered, tears falling from her cheek when the hispanic-boy smiled warmly at her, tears also glossing his eyes. César wrapped his large arms around his petite-niece, embracing her in a much-needed hug. He soothed her back as she sobbed loudly in her chest. "My D—Dad he's gonna find me h—he's gonna kill me." Isabelle stammered, trying to find her breath as he uncle comforted her the best he could.

"I won't let that happen Hija." Césear promised, pulling Isabelle away from the embrace and kissing her forehead softly. He moved from in front of her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Isabelle breath hitched when she saw some of the gang- members she grew up around, one of her favorites, Sad Eyes. "We won't let happen." Céaser corrected, and for a split-second a genuine smile formed on Isabelle's face, she finally felt safe.

A santo walked over to Nate's car were he sat, a terrified look on his face that made Isabelle wanna laugh in his face but she didn't. "I should shot you're bitch ass for threatening my people, but we got enough blood on my hands so i'll let your bitch ass go." The male dismissed, a shotgun pointed directly at Nate's face. Karmas a bitch nate. Nate swallowed, his heart beating rapidly. "If I ever see your face, i'll drop you. You got that playboy?" He asked, sizing the Jacobs-boy up at down until he nodded his head.

"Drive away bitch." Sad eyes added and Nate nodded again, starting up the car with his keys and speeding off as fast as he could. Isabelle's mind instantly went to Maddy, she was upset with her right now but she would be devastated if anything happened to her cousin. "Don't worry, we got people at Maddy house, she's safe." Sad eyes reassured after he saw how worried his friend got when Nate drove away. Isabelle turned to sad eyes, walking up to him and hugging him tightly. Sad eyes was surprised by the sudden embrace but after seconds he hugged back. The hug was comforting for both of them and lasted a while, until the Santos heard sirens close to them. Isabelle pulled away from the hug and glanced around, Ambulances were speeding to a house, When isabelle turned around her heart stopped, It was Fezcos house.


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