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recommended song; space song


      IN ALL OF ISABELLE'S LIFE SHE NEVER FELT HER HEART beat so fucking fast like this moment right now until the time her mom died, the siren echoing in the atmosphere only made her more scared. Before her uncle or her gang-friends could question what the cops were doing there, she ran. Her foot leading her to the house she once's though of as a second home, she didn't feel anything but fear. Fear that Fezco, Ash or even Faye could be hurt, fear that they got arrested, fear that her father got to them.

"Isabelle!" César yelled out, but sad-eyes pulled him back before he could run after her. The gang had to much blood on their hands to run into a house filled with SWAT officers, it was far too risky. Isabelle didn't stop running until she met her destination, she didn't car that her short feet were begging her to stop all she cared was making sure the boy she liked and his brother were alive and safe. Isabelle stopped in front of the house that had broken-glass and a broken down door on the outside, her heart beating out her chest as she ran under the police-tape.

"Hey! Get back here!" A police office shouted, chasing after the thirteen-year-old who walked inside a crime scene. Isabelle ignored the older-male and ran inside the living room were she saw faye laying on the ground with blood on her face and another officer played custer's body in a black bag. "Oh my god." Isabelle whispered, tears welling up in her eyes as she glanced around the scene, it looked straight out of a movie. Blood splattered on the wall and broken glass across the floor, this was traumatizing. Isabelle stepped over the piece of glass and walked toward the hallway, and in that second she felt her heart stop, I mean literally fucking stop.

"Fezco!" Isabelle cried out, running over to the ginger who was bleeding out on the floor. She kneeled down beside him and took of her jacket, wrapping it around his bleeding torso to stop the blood from gushing out. Fezco, who was barely conscious, noticed the girl helping him, he immediately shook his head with tears in his eyes. "I—i couldn't save him, i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry." Fezco murmured, gasping for the oxygen he was slowly loosing. Isabelle furrowed her eyes, wondering what the ginger-male was talking about. That was until she noticed that Ash-Tray was no where to be found, he wasn't out front and he wasn't beside his brother like always.

And that's when it hit her, tears bottled up in her brown-eyes and her body became shaking, she shook her head in denial. "F—fezco where's ash?" Isabelle stammered, the hot tears falling from her face on to the floor. Fezco eyes faltered at the mention of his late-brother, he felt like a failure for not being able to save him. "F—fez, where is he?" The hispanic-girl repeated this time her voice more louder, her vision was getting blurry from the tears but she managed to see Fezco eyes flicker from hers to the bathroom door behind them. Isabelle shot up, her head turning to the bathroom-door that has multiple bullet holes on it, she began shaking her head again.

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