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ABOUT AN HOUR HAD PASSED SINCE ash and isabelle was locked in a closet and rue and fezco had to strip naked. Now they were on their way to the new-years eve party that rue begged fez to take her to and isabelle begged him not to. But he had a soft spot for Rue so he ended up taking them.

"God I hate parties." Isabelle complained as soon as they stepped inside the house filled with intoxicated teens. Beside her was ash tray who was staring down a group of boys who was supposed to by drugs from him. "Yeah you only said that shit a thousand times, don't move i'll be back." Ash dismissed, pushing isabelle aside and walking up to the guys.

"Yeah sure! I'll just stand here! Alone!" Isabelle shouted up, watching ash turned around with his thumb up, turning back towards the group of guys who held out money. Isabelle rolled her eyes, walking through the crowd of dancing boys and girl who didn't bother to move out her way. "Watch it bitch." Isabelle muttered when a body slammed into her, almost knocking her completely to the ground. The person turned to her, only to be regonized as Rue.

"Hey kid, you should really watch who you speak I could've been like a mean-big-bad man." Rue slurred, placing her hand on isabelle's shoulder and laughing. Isabelle sighed, noticing her old-friend was out of it again. She wondered the last time rue was actually sober, probably not since she overdosed during Isabelles and Gias sleepover.

"Are you okay?" Isabelle asked rue who was dozing off. When rue didn't answer she furrowed her eyebrows and turned to see what caught rues attention so fast. She glanced and saw a pretty-blonde girl staring directly at rue, a awkward look on her face as they stared. "I'm gonna go look for maddy and stop staring at her and talk." Isabelle teased, smiling to rue who scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Isabelle turned from the brunette, walking toward the back off the party that had less people. She walked pass were ash was standing but he was no longer there, she didn't think much of it and continued looking for her cousin. Isabelle walked through an empty hallway that lead to rooms in the back, one of them being the bathroom.

"Thank god, I have to piss." Isabelle spoke to herself before walking to to the bathroom door, banging on it with both the hands just in case who ever was inside didn't hear her. The brunette waited a minute before knocking again but no one was answering the door. "Hello! Asshole I have to piss open the door." Isabelle shouted, banging harder on the door.

"Oh my fucking god." She mumbled, leaning closer and putting her ear against the door to see if anyone was in their or if the door was just locked. She cringed, pulling away from the door when she heard moaning, hearing a voice that sounded like Nate Jacobs mumble a cuss word. "Maddy! I swear to god you better not be having sex with Nate!" Isabelle yelled, rattling with the door-nob and banging louder than before.

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