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(italic: rues pov)


ASHTRAY WAS THE ONE PERSON I KNEW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT, BUT then again the only time we exchanged words was when I brought drugs, but i'm sober now. One thing I gathered from AshTray was that he was a fucking G, he would do anything to protect Fezco, probably even kill. He was the most Anti-Social and nonchalant thirteen-year-old i've ever met in my entire fucking life, and if i had to guess he had serious anger and attachment issues, kinda like isabelle.

Isabelle, fuck man, Isabelle was the most fucked up kid in this shitty down, not trauma comparing but she beat all of when it came to her past. Her abusive dad really fucked up her childhood, he killed her mother, abused her and hired someone to r-, never mind that's not my place. Anyway Isabelle held a lot of shit to herself, she barely talked or made a effort to be friends with anyone, until she met him. Ashtray. I never said anything to her but Ashtray acted differently around her, yeah he was still a rude asshole but not ass rude as usual.

Anytime I saw Isabelle around Fezco's shop she was glued beside Ashtray, even if he had a annoyed expression every single time, they were cute together. And I wasn't the only one who saw it, Fezco and Faye did to, they even put in money betting who would admit there feelings for. Personally speaking, I bet for Isabelle.

"A—are you serious right now?" Isabelle asked, her voice was more like a whisper because of the amount of tears she was bottling up. She mentally couldn't look ash in his eyes anymore, he didn't do anything wrong, it just hurt so bad to look anywhere else but around him. Ash-tray felt like shit, he couldn't do anything right these pass days, he couldn't protect his brother, he couldn't admit his feeling for the girl he liked and now he couldn't save Isabelle. Sometimes he forget he was just a kid

"I'm sorry." Ash muttered, his eyes flickering from the ground to the brunette in front of him and to his surprise, she did the same. Just by looking at Isabelle for a second he could tell she wanted to break down, but she was putting on a brave face. Her bright-curious eyes were now glossed with tears and low from desperation, she was desperate to stay alive. Isabelle shook her head slowly, wiping her face with her chipped-nails, she lied to ash, she never tried to stop peeling her nails it was the only thing that helped with her anxiety. "No, It's not your fault ash, it's just—"

The sound of the brunettes voice breaking made ash feel even more guilt than before, and as if things couldn't get more fucked up, Ash saw something he had not seen before, tears falling endlessly out Isabelle's eyes and her body shaking anxiously. "I—I don't wanna die." The perez-girl cried, the hot tears made her hair stick to her face but she didn't care how stupid she looked right now, she couldn't hold in her emotions anymore, she let it go. Ash sighed in defeat, his feet lead him over to Isabelle, surprising them both when he pushed her body into his, wrapping his arm around her smaller frame.

Isabelle instantly melted into his embrace, silently sobbing into his chest as he caressed her back for comfort, and for a moment she felt okay. But of course when it came to Isabelle, her happiness almost never lasted. "Ash I'm not playing with you, open the door!" Fezco's voice was heard from outside his young-brothers room, confusing Isabelle on why Ash had even locked the door in the first place. The brunette pulled away from the hug and furrowed her eyebrows as Ash who exhaled, ignoring his older-brothers plead.

"What's going on?" Isabelle wondered, glancing up at the buzz-cut-boy, she studied his face for a couple seconds and realized he had a bloody nose, which on made her confusion grow longer. "Nothing, I just really need you to leave right now Isabelle." Ash lied, he didn't want her to be around when all the shit he had planned to go down, and he didn't want her trying to talk him it out of it cause he knew he would end up giving in and listening. Isabelle tilted her head to the side, turning her head to the room door when she hears the ginger's voice again.

"Ash! Come on open the fucking door bro!" Fezco yelled out, banging his hand on his brother door with enough force to make it shake and Ash once again ignored him. When Isabelle turned her head back to Ash, she felt her blood turn cold, you might think she was over reacting but if you knew Ash-tray liked she did, you would react the same way. "Ash... w—why are you crying?" Isabelle whispered, her eyes glossing with tears when she saw Ash standing with tears running down his face, his body was shaking with fear and his lips were trembling, he was scared.

Isabelle didn't hesitate to wrapped her hand around him, pulling him into her shoulder and comforting him to best she could like he did to her. Silent sniffles was heard from the buzz-cut-boy and his shaking body cause Isabelle's to also shake. If the Perez-girl was being honest, she was terrified, Ash was really fucking tuff, so if something scared him, it must've been something really bad. "It's gonna be okay ash, I won't let anything happen to you." Isabelle promised, rubbing her hand over his back and he silently sobbed, he wanted to believe her but he couldn't, nobody could save him, but he still had time to save her.

Ash pulled away from the hug after a couple of seconds, with the banging on his door, his heart beating out his chest and the intense and emotion filled eyes contact he was making with Isabelle, he finally didn't. The timing was horrible but Isabelle felt a pair of lips softly attach onto hers, almost like instinct, she kissed back, her eyes closing as she felt like all her problems drifted away at that moment, but like I said earlier, her happiness never lasted. Ash removed his lips and breathed out, glaring at his first-kiss with desperation. "Please, Isabelle, you have to leave." He begged, moving his thumb to her face to wipe the tears that were staining her face.

Isabelle had a gut feeling that she shouldn't have left Ash alone to face his problems, but she didn't know was that gut feeling could've stopped everything. Isabelle nodded her head hesitantly, she didn't wanna go but she knew she couldn't stay forever, they was always later... right? "Okay, but i'll be back later and you better give me a explanation for everything Ash." Isabelle demanded, walking towards the buzz-cut-boy who walked away to open his room window. Ash moved out the way after opening his window wide enough for the four-eleven-foot girl to exit through.

Isabelle walked over to the window, bending down and putting her foot through it, after her foot successfully touched the ground she pushed her body back so she completely out the house. She glanced up at the window and saw Ash staring at her with teary eyes, he sighed sadly before walking over to the window and saying his last words to the girl

"Goodbye Isabelle."

• • •

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