Chapter 4

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I walked closer to him till he noticed and walked towards me. "Hi Eliza, are you ready and do you know where we'll be sitting." "Oh yes we'll be sitting with Bella and her girlfriend ivy." "Wait Bella is she lesbian or bisexual?" That's weird nobody has asked that question before. "Bella is a lesbian, why do you ask?" "Oh I just thought it might be nice to know another bisexual person at this school." Wait did he just say he was bisexual! That means he might have a boyfriend. Great now I know for a fact I don't have a chance with him. " oh well that's nice, I think" "it's fine Eliza I know it might come to a shock sense I dated rose." Of course, Rose my ex best friend that took the man I love. I told her but she took him anyway. "Oh no It's not shocking, wait I mean it is but it's not I-" just then Bella and ivy called us over just in time I was about to humiliate myself in front of him. We both sat down on the opposite side of the table from them. 'Holy shit we are sitting so close' I thought. "Hello ivy how have you been." I asked her. "I'm doing well what about you." " Im doing great." Bella and ivy's friends came to the table and they stopped talking to me so I tried to face my feat and have a conversation with Felix. "So you're bi?" "Yes I am what about you?" Wait should I tell him only Bella knows. "I- well I'm actually pansexual." His body and mine turned to face each other, one leg on one side of the bench and the other leg on the other side. We talk about what happened during break and how summer went for the both of us. After awhile we stopped talking and he went on his phone as well did I. But my body moved on it's own and next thing I know my head was in his lap and I started talking to him. His face turned to a lovely red. I don't know why i did that but his smile was wonderful. "YO FELIX!" Someone shouted from afar. It was Felix's best friend Jorge the 3rd. I got up from his lap and pretended nothing happened. " hey Jorge, what's up" Felix asked. I didn't understand why Jorge was here but they are best friends so I let them talk and just went on my phone trying to distract myself. I went on to Snapchat and went through so pictures I have of all my friends I went to take a picture and pointed the camera at Bella and ivy got the picture and posted it. "Eliza can I see the picture?" Felix asked me. I froze for a while but then handed him my phone. "They're cute together don't you think." "Mhm they are. They really are." I check the time and realized lunch was about to be over. "Felix hand me your phone. I swear it's for nothing bad just hand it." "Oh ok here i guess." He hands me his phone. "Open it please." He slides his screen up. Oh he doesn't have a password. I go to his contacts and press the plus sign so I can and my phone number in his phone. "There so you can text me." I say as I handed his phone back to him. I grab my phone that were still in his hands put my password and handed it to him so he can add his. "You want my number?" "Yes I want your number." He takes the phone and puts in his number. "Call it real quick so I can see if that's my number." I panicked a little bit, but I still called it and thank goodness it was his number. We continue to talk for a bit. We laughed together and smiled and it was wonderful. All that changed when the bell rang for us to go to our other class. "Oh well I guess I'll see you around Felix." "Actually how about we eat lunch together for this year." Wait did Felix just say he wanted to eat lunch with me for this school year. "Yea sure I'll meet you every day at the exact spot." We walk out separate ways and Bella calls me over. "Eliza did you lay on his lap?" "Yes I did what's wrong." She looked at me with concern in her eyes, like I just got back with my ex. "Eliza you don't lay on a boys lap!" She yelled. What was wrong with me laying on his lap I didn't do anything wrong well last time I checked I didn't. "Yo you are Eliza right the girl that was laying on Felix's lap." That voice was the same voice that was talking to Felix. "Um yes I was, may I know why you are interested in this known fact?" He walks a little closer to me. "Why did you do that. That has never happened to him. Wait do you like him?" Jorge asked me as he puts his backpack on his back. "You do know that many people like him right well I only know one person that does but still why are you asking, you know what maybe I do is that so wrong." "Wait another girl likes him. A bunch of us including Joe, Charlie, and Saul thought no girl would like him but now two girls like him this is crazy." "Jorge please don't tell him I want him to fall for me and not because his friend told him to, please don't tell him." I pleaded. "Yea don't trip I got you I won't tell him anything but would you mind if I told the guys?" "Yes I mind I don't want the world to know I like him!" I yelled. "Well so you know how I left right so I may have already told them." Silence filled the quad. I started tearing up and ran away with my face in my hands.

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