❤️Chapter 29❤️

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          Gavin sat at his desk, still on edge about yesterday. Everyone was. "Gavin, can I talk to you?" Nines whispered to him. Gavin looked at him, confused. "Yeah?" He responded. Nines motioned him to follow him, leading him to the bathroom, which made Gavin more confused. "What?" Gavin looked at Nines. "This is the only place that has no cameras and is away from everyone." Nines responded. Gavin looked at the mirrors, then back at Nines. "When me and Katrina were fighting over control, I saw her and her friend's history, everything they had been through. Of course, there's a chance she also saw mine." Nines explained. "Okay and?" Gavin responded. "We know their family life wasn't great, but I know where they are now and who they are with." Nines continued. "Wait, where are they?" Gavin finally got interested. "Clayton." Nines said. "From what I saw, they ran to Clayton's house for safety. Clayton has been helping them hide, but it seems to be stressing him out." He continued. "They're probably still with Clayton then." Gavin looked at Nines. "Most likely, they have nowhere else to go except for home, and they definitely won't do that." Nines responded. "But I have a feeling the people best suited for this case are you and Tina. You guys experienced this stuff countless times before when you were teens. You can understand them better." He spoke, his tone softening. "No fuck that. Besides, why are you telling just me? Shouldn't you tell the others too?" Gavin started getting annoyed. "I will tell the others, but I'm telling you first because, like I said, you know them better. You know Jesse better." Nines explained it again. "Fuck off. I'm done with this case." Gavin started to walk off. "Gavin if you don't accept that the shit that happened to you happened and it's happening again with other teens, nothing is going to get solved. You wanted a chase, an intense case to work on. You finally got it, but now that you have it, you don't want to face it or the truth. You're hurting yourself more than you already are." Nines snapped, glaring at Gavin. Gavin had stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Nines. "But if you really don't want to do this case anymore, I can have a different officer take over for you and me, but I don't think Fowler would be too happy about that." Nines continued, his LED swirling from blue to yellow. "Nines, this case is stressful and I don't know how many more reminders of my past I can handle." Gavin finally spoke. "You don't get a say in any of this. You are an android. You were built and put into this world as a full-grown adult. You have no childhood or teenage years, you have no horrific parents, and you don't have to be constantly reminded that you were hurt. If you were, Cyberlife can rebuild you and erase that memory. You are a goddamn plastic humanoid robot. So what if you can feel emotions now? You were programmed to be a deviant just like you were programmed to kill." Gavin snapped. The LED on Nines swirled to red before beginning to flicker red. Gavin noticed and watched Nines. "Gavin, I think you need to take a moment for yourself and think about everything, because when I tell you that I am the only RK900 to be made, that means if I die." Nines stopped himself from talking. "You get the point." He was looking down at the ground. Gavin looked away. "Don't say that." Gavin spoke softly. Nines stayed quiet. He looked at the mirror, looking at his LED. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you more than you already are." He finally spoke. Gavin looked back at him, noticing tears starting to roll down Nines' cheeks. Gavin felt his heart break. He had never seen Nines cry before. He didn't think he could. "Are you crying..?" He asked, approaching Nines. Nines looked at him. "I am?" He seemed just as confused. Tina burst into the bathroom, causing Gavin and Nines to flinch, looking at her. "You two need couple therapy!" She snapped, walking over to them. "Tina, what are you doing?" Gavin watched her. "Shut up. I heard everything. Listen to me before I throw you in a junk yard and you with him." Tina spoke, pointing to Nines and Gavin. "This case is difficult for me and you, Gavin, but those kids need us. Give them a get out of jail free card or something. I don't care, but we still need to help them." She continued. "Nines, you are also needed, and so is Connor, obviously. Now pick yourselves up, straighten yourselves out, and let's get this fucking case over with." She snapped. Nines and Gavin looked at each other. Gavin wiped Nines' tears. "Both of your feelings are valid, but letting it take control of you guys like that won't help anything." Tina spoke. Nines held Gavin's arm. "Now kiss or hug or something, and let's get a cup of coffee and then finish this case!" Tina said, walking back to the door and leaving. Gavin sighed, leaning his head against Nines' chest. Nines wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. "I love you." Nines spoke, looking at Gavin. Gavin looked at him before saying, "I love you too." Nines smiled softly. "I'm sorry for what I said." Gavin pulled away from Nines. "I'm sorry too." Nines responded. "We should go check on Tina." Gavin responded, looking away. "I agree." Nines chuckled softly. They left the bathroom and went to find Tina. "Hey, Tina." Gavin spoke, and Tina looked at him. "I'm sorry. You really shouldn't have to be the mom friend of us." Gavin chuckled. "You're both fine. I'm fine with taking care of my boys!" Tina lit up, ruffling Gavin's hair, making him groan and pull away. "But if you both decide to be bitchy like that again-" she got interrupted. "Got it! Sorry." Gavin defended himself. "Good! Now, Nines. Mind sharing that information with the rest of the PD?" Tina looked at Nines. Nines nodded, walking off.

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