colle+seer - fluff

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      characters in this story - colle, seer, sharp, beef, goggles
      prompt - seer tries to teach colle sign language and just have some good ol' bonding time :]
      more info - this is taken from a third person pov! this is also based off of one of my headcanons! there might also be some plot holes here, in this fic colle still lives in the red kingdom because yes >:]
      It was a wonderful afternoon, sunny and warm. Seer was heading to the meeting room in the Red Kingdom, to try and find Colle. Seer walked in the meeting room, and found Colle talking to Beef and Sharp. "Yeah, Parrot is staying with Goggles righ- Hey Seer!" Colle turned around and waved at him. Seer waved back, and walked up to him. "Hey dude!"
      "Hey, me and Beef need to go do some stuff real quick, we promised Goggles we would help him with some experiment? I dunno, wish us luck!" Sharp gave a small chuckle before leaving the room with Beef. Colle and Seer were the only ones in the meeting room now. "So, how's life?" Colle asked. Seer shrugged and responded with, "Y'know, , tryna help you guys save the world, the usual." Colle laughed, which made Seer laugh as well.
      "Actually, I've been learning sign language!"
Seer said. Colle seemed interested, and perked up. "Woah, that's cool! What for?" "Well, in the World Beyond, when Steves pass, some have a hard time trying to pass, which damages their hearing. It's a very long and detailed thing that's pretty hard to explain, but some Steves need to know Sign Language!" Colle had been putting away some papers while Seer had been talking, but he turned back around towards the Blue Steve. "That's- really amazing Seer!"
        "Heh, thanks Colle!" Seer suddenly got an idea, which made him, kind of jump. "Woah. You alright dude?" "Yeah, I just had an idea! Would you want to learn sign language with me? It would be some nice bonding time, we haven't had much of that recently, heh." Seer chuckled nervously. Colle's eyes seemed to light up, and he nodded. "Sure! That sounds pretty fun."
      "Alright! So uh, just right here? I guess?" Seer asked. "NoOoO, we're going to learn at Goggle's house," Colle said playfully. "Yes, here is okay Seer." Colle giggled, as did Seer. "Alright, Alright, so, the alphabet is the basics."
       About half an hour passes, and they are only on letter E. "No- Colle, the thumb goes like THIS-" Seer gestured towards the Red Steve with his hands in a awkward looking way. "But- That's the same as an A!" Colle said. They looked at each other in the eyes, and couldn't hold back their laughter. The boys laughed for a good minute, and decided to spend another hour or so on the alphabet.
       It was getting late, and it was almost nighttime. "Man, its almost sunset Seer. Could we start up again tomorrow?" Colle asked. Seer looked out the window. "Oh man, we've been at this for a while, huh? Yeah, we can do more tomorrow!" Colle grinned, and said his goodbyes, and decided to stay behind in the meeting room to catch up on some work. Seer left the room.
     "Y'know, I heard tonight's sunset is supposed to be really pretty. I could go up on the roof and watch it tonight." Seer mumbled under his breath. He searched around the Red Kingdom, trying to find a good spot to watch the sunset. "Hmm..The Academy seems good! Now to find a way to get up there..."
       Eventually, Seer made it onto the roof of the academy. He sat down, and watched the Kingdom. Most of the Steves were heading to their homes, probably wanting to get some rest.
       Seer watched as Colle left the meeting room. Colle looked up, and saw Seer. He waved, and made his way up to Seer. "Hey man. What are ya doing up here?" Colle sat next to him. "Oh, I came up here to watch the sunset. I heard it's really pretty tonight!" Colle looked towards the sun, and noticed it was about to set. All the other Red Steves had already gone home. Only about one or two out, and they were just closing up their shop.
      "Care if I watch with you?" Colle asked, tilting his head and grinning at Seer. "Of course man!" Seer smiled back at Colle, and looked back at the sun. "Oh, it's setting!" The two watched the sun set for the night.
     "Wow. That's- That was beautiful." Colle said, now watching the moon, right where the Sun once was. Seer looked at Colle, and looked back at the moon. "Yeah. This was nice, Colle. I'm going to stay up here for a bit longer." "Oh, alright man. We'll talk later then?" Seer turned towards him and nodded. "Alright, good night then, Seer." Colle got up and smiled, and proceeded to teleport to his home. A few minutes pass, and Seer eventually returns back to his home.
                                     the end <3

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